Chapter 21

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POV ~ 50/50 Buff Man

I make my way to ground Omega, in my  true form, where nezu and Izu are waiting for me. I walk up the final step before buffing up and walking through the door like a normal person (season 1 episode 6 reference) "I am here!"

"Uncle Toshi!" Uncle  Toshi? When did that happen... Nevermind it was either mic or Midnight. Well at least it's cute and simple not something like Aizawas name, where did he even get Dadzawa from?

"Ah hello there young Izu, are you ready for our fight?"


"I love the enthusiasm, young one but dont go easy on me just because I'm your uncle"

"O-of course not. But I dont want you to go easy on me either!"

"Dont worry, I wouldn't want to insult you by doing that." A huge grin spreads across his face,

"Good, ready to go?" I nod my head.

"After you."

"Actually you will be going down first since you get a five minute head start." Nezu told me.

"Wait shouldn't Izu get the head start?"

"Well this is Izus test so I think it's only fair you get the advantage." He starts walking closer to me and jumps onto my shoulder. "Okay Izu you can start coming down in five minutes. Let's go All Might!" I walk down the stairs in my weak form carrying Nezu, who eventually jumps down saying in a tone more serious then Shota, "All Might"

"Y-yes?" This was the first time I had ever heard him serious, he always had a cheery or playful tone but this was new and I didn't like it.

"Whatever you do, dont you dare go easy on Izu, because if you do I will know and I will expose you to the public myself."

"D-dont worry sir, I wont go e-easy on him."

"Good" his face returns to normal and starts to have a normal conversation with me in his cheery voice. Eventually saying something along the lines of  "I just hope he doesn't jump out of the window." Jump out of the window? Who in their right mind would do that? Oh well I'm sure he has his reasons.

Five minutes later

POV ~ Cackling Tea Genius

I can see All Might is ready to fight so I give the signal for him to come down. A few seconds after he got the message I could hear glass smashing and a pair of red wings was slowly descending until finally reaching the place All Might had set up. He flew down so majestically, so effortlessly, so perfectly I couldn't help but wonder if he had been trained by a certain member of the Hero Public Safety Commission. I decided to call Aizawa, Midnight, Cementos and Power-Loader here to over look the fight. They come almost a minute later asking what the emergency was, "Oh there is no emergency, I just needed to make a call." I give them one of my most adorable grins, "Power-Loader, would you mind setting up some cameras? Midnight, Eraserhead you are here to ensure the fight doent go to far and Cementos I know you are a fair referee of sorts so I leave this fight in your capable hands!" They all sigh and begin their duties. I walk out of the second inspection tower, pull out my phone, open contacts and call him.

POV ~ Broccoli Boi

After Uncle Toshi and principle Nezu leave, I decide to mess around with my quirks. I manage to create some sort of creature using Devil, produce a blinding light with angle and somehow I manage to merge both Angel and Devil perfectly, causing my wings to turn a beautiful shade of red. As I was admiring the feathers on my back I notice one was loose, so I plucked it and found out it was as sharp as my Devil wings, I start to play with it until i hear a buzzer. I look down to this small screen that says, 'Go!' I chose to slice the window open to test the feathers strength and upon touching the bullet proof glass it shattered into millions of tiny shards. This seems to be the fastest way down so I spread out my wings and jump out. The descent was surprisingly easy, the way my wings were shaped meant I didn't have to do anything other then land. I felt so graceful like a bird soaring in the sky. I felt like a bird of prey about to swoop down and and attack my first target. I land directly behind Uncle Toshi and pluck another feather, so it now feels like I have two perfect swords, All Might starts to run towards me in a position that could only be read by Nezu, and me? Wait no that cant be right, he must be going easy on me. No one could ever read All Mights moves, even Nezu struggles sometimes. So why is he going easy on me? I easily dodge and counter by striking the back of his neck with the 'swords' handle. "I-I thought you wasn't going easy o-on me Uncle Toshi?" He clearly looks shocked but then again, so would I if I were the number one hero and someone called me out.

"B-but I wasn't. How did you dodge that?!" Uncle Toshi half screemed at me but for some reason, instead of getting scared I had some sort of confidence boost and attacked him. I use my wings and flew towards him at inhuman speeds, I use release to make him tired and slow his reaction time. I fly straight passed him and kicked his back, successfully knocking him over. I then loop back around throw him into the air and punch him stomach, after jumping, and at some point he passed out due to the pain I just accidentally put him through. It was only after Cementos announced I won did I realize, All Might was in some sort of crater and the number three hero was in the second inspection tower, along with Nezu, Auntie Midnight, Dadzawa, Cementos and Power-loader. I wave up to the all and carry Uncle Toshi to recovery girls office, using strength I didn't know I had, it must be something to do with these red wings...

A/N Hi thank you for reading the twenty-first part of my first story, I really hope you enjoyed. Please let me know if you want the next chapter to be in

All Mights POV

Nezus POV

Or Hawk's POV

There may not be a chapter out tomorrow since I am busy. I hope to see you in the comments. Love you <3

Words used 1130

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