Chapter 25

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POV ~ Broccoli boi

As me and austie Mitsuki walk into the living room I see uncle Masaru and Kacchan watching a video, I look up to see the title and it says Izuku Midoria: Vanished Or A Villain? Oh no do people think I'm a villain, am I evil? What if it's true? Does Kacchan and Uncle Masaru hate me? "Mitsuki! How dare you bring a villain into our home!? I somehow deal with all of your sh*t and this is how you re pay me?! By bringing a villain straight to us!" Uncle Masaru spat at Auntie Mitsuki. Oh no they do hate me, this cant be happening? I start to hyper ventilate but no-one helps. I'm going back to the villains... They are going to take me back... I thought- I thought they were family...

"D-Deku, its not true. It can't be. What happened to becoming heros? Me and you." A tear was falling down Kacchan's cheek. Why is he crying? Does he hate me so much he can't bear to see me? I still want to be a hero why did he say that in the past tense? I look across at the TV with Auntie Mitsuki where it showed Toga disguised as me committing brutal acts of theft and murder. She was licking the blood of, of a silver knife saying how yummy the victims blood was. "Izuku I though you didn't do anything... I thought you were only kidnapped and enslaved... You are a villain!? Get out." They think that's me? Do they not know about Toga? I look over at them fear and sadness covering my features. I thought I wouldn't have to face this again. They all lied to me. No-one will ever love me "Tch drop the act Villain now we know you, your tricks won't work on us and I believe I already told you to get Lost!!!" I run out of the house with an expressionless face.

After what seemed like forever I ran into a average height man with light blue hair. "Hello there, little boy. Are you lost?" Not again. Not again! NOT AGAIN!

I let out the worst scream you could ever imagine, Shigaraki's ears started to bleed, once I had no air left in me two pro heros approached me. The first I recognised as Hawks, the other Mirko these two were amazing! When I see them I start breaking down in tears but my body moved on it's own. I ran toward the nearest train station and got on the nearest train. What am I doing? Where am I going? I look up and the sign and it says 'Next stop, Musutafu'.

When the train finally stops I run straight for UA and somehow don't set of the alarms when I sneak in round the back. I enter the building and go up to Nezu's office, wait he wouldn't be in UA at this late hour. Why are you such an idiot, Kacchan was right you are just a stupid unwanted Deku who can never get anything right. "Come in!" He's here?! I slowly open the door to reveal a small creature sitting at a desk with piles of paper. "Ah, just the person I need! Mind taking a seat?" I nod and take the seat opposite him.

"D-did you n-need m-me for s-something?"

"Yes in fact i was hoping you could help me solve a problem, is that okay?" I nod my head, excited to have a distraction.

POV ~ Cackling Tea Genius

I have been doing nothing but paper work for eight hours now so I decide to take a break. I look up the name Izuku Midoria to see if there was any new information about him and to my luck someone had posted a video all about him. I click on it without bothering to read the title. 'Do you think you're safe in this hero society?' What on earth? Why would they begin the video with this? 'A few days ago news was leaked from an unnamed source saying a villain named Izuku Midoria was adopted by villains. We have numerous pictures videos and voice recordings which prove he was not only some sort of petty thief but a 14 year old murderer. Dont believe me? I didn't believe it at first either but take a look at this..." Numerous videos and pictures played across a half hour time period until the ending saying, 'this super-human society is not to be trusted. We, as innocents, need to take a stand and make sure villains like him don't ever work their way into our lives. If you see this boy on the street we reccomend not staring at him and getting out of the area immediately. He is not to be trusted! Stay safe everyone and spread the word.' This cant be right, he would never commit such horrifying crimes and he is too smart to do them near a camera. Could this be Toga? All of a sudden I hear Izu rambling outside saying how much of a 'Deku' he is. How come he didn't set of any alarms? Why isnt he in the Bakugo house... Have they seen this vicious video already? "Come in!" I half yell into the door way. Izu slowly walks in with his head down and shoulders slumped, his posture alone tells me he is sad but when I get a glimpse of his puffy red eyes I know he has been crying. "Ah just the person I wanted to see." I need to come up with an excuse so he doesnt get suspicious..

"D-did you n-need m-m for s-something?" Hurry, hurry, hurry...

"Yes in fact i was hoping you could help me solve a problem, is that okay?" He nods his head at me so I decide to make the most out of this. "For a while now I have been debating on whether or not UA should introduce a dorm system, what do you think about it?" He clearly takes this as a serious question as he is lost in thought for a moment.

"Well in terms of security against villains this is no doubt a good idea but if you have a class that is constantly fighting and never get along, this could be bad because," I grab a pen and a fresh piece of paper and write down everything he is saying, "then they might destroy the dorms depending on their quirks but this could be fixed by having some sort of policy where you cannot use you quirks in the dorms or make separate dorms for people who are explosive, short tempered or just hate people. On the other hand this could be a chance for the classes to become better friends which could lead to better allies in the future. O-oh I'm s-sorry I mumbled a-again, didn't I." I swear this boy is constantly apologising for being talented.

"Its fine, dont worry about it. If I'm being honest I find it intriguing how you manage to mumble as fast as that and somehow everything makes sense. So dont apologise for being talented and dont apologise for being you."

"O-okay," he nods his head at me, "Well to answer your question more simply. Yes, I think dorms would be a great idea but there would definitely have to be alot of thought about it."

"Indeed thank you Izuku this has been really helpful but it is almost eleven pm, do your fathers know your here?" I can see he starts panicking so I step in to try and comfort him, "Try not to worry about it to much, they think you are at the Bakugo's correct?" He nods, "So they will have bo idea you are missing but just incase they know you arnt at the Bakugo household, I will call them all right?"

"T-thank you." Just as I was about to call Aizawa I get a group video call from Aizawa, Mic, Mirko, Hawks and All Might. Well I guess they know.

A/N thank you for reading the twenty fifth part of my first story. Sorry this one has taken longer to come out I wanted to make up for yesterdays short chapter. Please leave comments I always love reading them. Love you <3

Words used 1407

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