Chapter 17

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POV ~ Broccoli Boi

As me and Kacchan finish shopping Midnight and Papa said that I could spend the night at Kacchans house if I wanted to so me being the immature best friend that I am, jumped up and down saying, "Yes, yes, yes! Thank you so much! WaitwontIneedclothesandmytoothbrushoriseverthingIneedalreadythere?"

"Shh calm down Izu everything you need is already there."

"Okay Auntie Midnight, if you say so."

At the sleepover, we played games, watched movies and Kacchan gave me a kiss on the cheek like we did when we were young. After that I started crying so I hugged him and told him everything, from the awful things the league did to me, the nicer league members and how I was always scared that he had forgotten me. I must have fallen asleep some point because the next thing I remember is Kacchan shaking me gently awake. "Morning Kacchan, how did you sleep?" He seemed a little red for some reason and the weirdest thing happened,

"M-morning, nerd." He stuttered, "yea I slept fine you?"

"Yes it was the best nights sleep I've had in ages!" After I said that I start to wake up a bit more and notice we are in Kacchans room... and we are both in his bed!

"That's good." I fall out of bed hitting the floor roughly, "Woah, Izu are you okay?" Oh no I must look like such a fool to him.

"Y-yea I just fell is all."

O-okay then, well breakfast is ready soo."

"Yea let's go."

(Time skip )
Back at the Aizawa household

"Have fun?"

"Yea it was great seeing Kacchan again!" Oh no Dadzawa wants to talk to me about something either out of the ordinary or serious, "what do you need to tell me?"

Dadzawa does and awkward laugh before saying,"I guess I'm an open book for you. Principle Nezu wants to speak to you." That doesnt seem to bad so why is Dadzawa so worried?

"Okay! I'm sure it will be fun. What does he want to talk to me about?" Please dont be a quiz, please dont be a quiz.

"He wants to be your tutor. So you will be doing a test of some sort."

"Why do you seem so on edge about this?"

"Because this is the first time he has wanted to take someone under his wing."

POV ~ Cackling Tea Genius

I need to figure out a way to test Izukus support knowledge because if what Hatsume has said is true, then he has a chance of being smarter then Mei who is the best of the best, even out of the adults. Ah ha what if I made Izuku do tests for all of the courses, so for business he can do a debate against our top brain -me-, for support course he can go up against Hatsume in building something for a pro hero or a friend, for the hero course he can go up against a teacher of his choosing and for the general studies course he can simply do a quiz. Perfect! This way it will test his strength from the hero course, brains from support and general studies and courage mentally by going up against me.

I quickly called a meeting to discuss the matters with everyone thankfully Izuku was at a childhood friends house so we could have Mic, Aizawa and Midnight in the meeting, "Hello everyone! You will probably be wondering why I called you here." I climb up Aizawas scarf and hear murmurs of people guessing what we are here for. "I will tell you all in a second I just have one more guest coming. 3...2...and 1" I point my finger to the door. "Meet Mei Hatsume."

"I am so sorry I'm late I promise it wont happen again." I have always wondered how people do exact 90° angles

"That wont be necessary. Please take a seat next to Midnight." She nods her head at me and goes over to her seat.

"Okay today I would like to talk to you today about a boy named Izuku Aizawa. I have been thinking about taking him under my wing but first I would like to clarify that it would be okay for Izuku to go up against you. Pros please raise your hand if you do not wish to fight him." Three hands go up, Shotas, Mics and Midnights.

"There is no way I am fighting my fourteen year old son, no matter how strong he is." Mic and Midnight nod their heads at this.

Okay that means that the rest of you are okay to fight him, perfect! I am not going to choose, he will and - provided he agrees- the fight will take place tomorrow from 12-1pm, clear?" They all nod their heads.

"Excuse me, principle Nezu. Why Am I here?"

"Ahh yes, I would like Izuku to go against you in a inventing competition." Her eyes seemed to sparkle in a way that made me feel highly uncomfortable and that grin did not make it any better.

"That sounds amazing, thank you for choosing me against such a genius brain!" Oh no what have I done. Two genius inventors, one room. I just hope the development studio can take it.

"That is all you may go now." I climb out of Aizawa's scarf and head to my office to start brainstorming what I could challenge Izu to, ok behalf of the business course.

I must have been lost in thought for no less then an hour when my phone rings. ~Eraserhead ~

N~ Hello Aizawa what may I help you with?

A~ Izuku has decided he wants to fight all Might, that's all.

N~ That is just perfect, what better way to show strength then going against the Number one hero!

A~ okay well I have to go now, see you tomorrow

N~ Good bye

After ending the call I send an email to all UA teachers explaining what, where and when the fight will be and that Izu had chosen All Might. Afterwards I send an email to Mei explaining what she will have to do and with that my new student has begun his training.

A/N thank you for reading the seventeen part of my first story. Sorry you didn't get to see the sleepover I just could not be bothered to write it and please let me know what you think Mei is going to make. I want to thank you for 663 reads and 67 votes, it means alot as I was originally just doing this as something to pass the time so thank you. I hope to see you in the next chapter Love you <3

Words used 1127

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