Chapter 23

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When the next team had entered the desert, they snickered as they passed by Team 7.

Sakura dragged her heavy bag behind her. Naruto had offered to carry it but she claimed she didn't trust him with her belongings.

The blond didn't expect his boyfriend to offer because after a three day physical endurance test, there was no doubt they both would be low on stamina.

"W-we're in a f-fucking desert, Sakura-banshee! Y-you have no water and n-no food. You're expected to not only survive f-for two weeks but successfully finish a m-mission. Are you going to drink and e-eat your designer items?!" Naruto yelled at her, having lost his patience.

Her tired eyes watered, she was still in denial. She didn't expect to be thrown in the middle of the desert to deal with the harsh elements.

She bit her lip to stop herself from crying, but her soft whimpers got louder as she started sobbing.

This wasn't unfamiliar, people usually got in denial and had a mental breakdown. It just took a couple of days for reality to sink in.

But, it happened almost immediately for Sakura.

Team 10, composed of Yamanaka Ino, Akimichi Chōgi, and Hino Sai have passed by hearing Sakura's loud sobs.

The trio had found team 7 still there.
"Sakura?" Ino ran over to her frienemy, "what's wrong?"

"The reality of the situation hit her." Sasuke crossed his arms.

Ino hit the pinkette on the head hard enough, "idiot! What did you expect? Flowers, chocolate and massages? Get yourself together! For someone who always says they'll protect Sasuke-kun, you sure as hell are weak!" The blonde hammered those words deep into her friend's skull.

Naruto backed away slightly feeling the monstrous energy of the Pinkette.
"Who are you calling weak!! You're one to talk you can't even lift ten kilograms! Ino-pig," she smirked as she spoke the nickname.

Sasuke also quickly backed away. Chōgi munched on his chips unaffected by it all. He was used to this occurrence.

"Aren't girls supposed to be classy?" Sai came in between them. Their heads tilted towards him at the subtle insult. "This is no-..." Poor Sai never had the chance to finish his sentence, as he got double punched in the face by the two angry girls.

Naruto brought out the Kunai from his pouch very subtly. He glanced at Sai who also had his guards up. The other four candidates were rather clueless to the amount of danger they were currently in.

Naruto created four clones of himself, each had moved their teammates away from the battle scene that was about to take place.

He had done so just in time as the sand mobilized to attack them.

Ino, Sakura, Chōji, and Sasuke shielded their faces from the wave of sand that reached them even at that distance.
"We should keep moving," the blond's clone looked untroubled by the fighting scene they could partially witness. "Sai and I will be alright. We should find a shelter. Moving during the day is unwise."

In the battlefront, Sai and the original's body were dealing with Ichibi's Jīnchuriki of all people. The walking nightmare known as Gaara of the Sand.

In the distance, ordered not to interfere, were his siblings Kankuro and Temari. Both anxious about starting a fight so early on in this exam stage. Yet, when it came to blood-thirst; they knew better than to get in between Gaara and his prey.

"S-sai, get ready to leave." Naruto spoke lowly to the guy by his side.

He countered Gaara's sand using water release, dampening it and rendering it momentarily useless.

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