Chapter 32

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Sasuke stared at that unblinking eye that demanded answers to so many unspoken questions.
"Ask already,"

"Where is Uzumaki Naruto?" He signed.

"Why do you care to know?" Sasuke pressed against the knife seeing the person pull it away almost afraid to have him hurt. "I thought you were planning to kill me,"

"You're worth more alive, if you won't tell me where he is I will find out alone. Konohagakure might be big but I can find him in no time." He wasn't surprised to see Sasuke activate his Sharingan.

The raven felt all his remaining strength leave his body.
"What did you do to me?" He looked at him.

"Your eyes are useless without chakra, aren't they?" The person knelt beside him. "Satisfy my curiosity and I might be temped to help you instead."

"If you touch even a hair on his head, I'll kill you." He grunted, his eyes turning red engulfed by the nine tails chakra. He was full of anger that after all Naruto had been through, people were still after him.

Their hideout was destroyed under the sheer chakra power of the Bīju beast.

The masked blond had backed away before the red cloack touched him, but he hasn't regained all of his strength yet. Having to rely only on the natural chakra.

Throughout their battle together, broken pieces of memories from his fight with the Jyūbi came back to the blond.
But the longer the fight prolonged the stronger the nine tailed Jīnchuriki got.

Eventually, Sasuke was able to land a punch. He looked at the body of the person who was struggling to get up and readied his Chidori. He will put an end to it even if it kills him.

The blond stood up hearing the familiar high pitched sound of the lightening Jutsu. He could barely stand straight, now that his natural chakra was depleted too. So he leaned against the tree in front of him and turned around to face his incoming death.

The blond closed his eyes momentarily. He regretted this end before he found out who he was. He clutched down his kunai knife, if he was dying then he will take the raven with him.

The tree broke at the impact and crashed down. The blond's breathing hitched, his whole body shivered. Blood filled his hands and dripped from the kunai he was holding.
"W-w-w-w-why?" He stuttered from shock, dropping the knife on the ground. The raven, who attacked him, had purposely missed him.

But then the arm around him pulled him closer, the other gently placed over the back of his head. His heart beat against Sasuke's chest and then he heard that nickname in that loving tone that brought more tears to his eyes.

"Usuratonkachi, why do you always hide behind masks?" He smiled as he at least was able to hear Naruto's voice and hold him again.

The blond held on to the body that fell on top of his. He didn't know why he was crying, only that his eyes wept and his heart ached for the person he was holding; the person he didn't remember.


The raven woke up not feeling any pain in his abdomen. His eyes closed heavily but he could see the blond by his side, his eyes yellow again.

"Do you have another kekkei Genkai that you kept a secret from me?" Sasuke asked.

"I don't have much chakra, so I'm using natural chakra." He signed then helped him sit up. "It should be all healed."

"Hn, it doesn't hurt anymore. You could have done that from the start." Sasuke teased, he reached to hold Naruto's hand but the blond instinctively moved his shaky hands away.

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