Chapter 18

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Mizuki didn't have much of a chance to react. Seeing the nine tailed brat collapse right before their eyes, was unexpected. Certainly if the circumstances were different, he would have taken advantage of it.

Sasuke was on his knees beside Kiba. He didn't know what had happened but he was worried, considering the boy had an infection that affected his brain only a few days ago.

He didn't know it was just the kiss. After all, it wasn't their first kiss and Naruto had never reacted this way before.

The blond came to moments later. The fear still lingered and sense of impeding doom circulated freely.

He pushed away from everyone once he activated his chakra vision. His teacher asked him if he was alright. But the teen simply ran away.

Sasuke was familiar with that look. Naruto was afraid. So afraid, the blond didn't want anyone touching him.

In the hallways, the teen was overwhelmed. He didn't know what he was doing, nor where he was going. Vertigo hit him hard and he fell on his knees immediately.

Iruka was monitoring the hallways making sure no one was skipping class by hiding in the bathroom, when he heard the loud heavy breathing.

Following the sound to the source, Iruka found the blond almost unconscious on the floor.
The adult had called for an ambulance right away, but as soon as he had given them the name they had hung up on him refusing to dispatch an ambulance for the demon.

The brunet couldn't believe this was the same Konoha he was living in. Were they so awful as to allow an innocent child to die?

In the psyche plain, Kurama was trying to calm the agitated teen but to no avail. So he allowed just a tail out the prison bars and wrapped it around the blond comfortingly.

In the real world, Naruto slowly calmed feeling safe in Kurama's warm hold.

Iruka frowned seeing the blond like that. He put his hand on the teen's shoulder feeling him jitter a bit. "It's okay," he rubbed it. "You're in safe hands. Let's go to my office okay?" He helped him slowly stand up and supported his body as he guided them to his office.

He ordered his assistant to call the Senju as he got in the office and laid the poor boy down. The latter still had broken breathing.

The vice principal readied him a cup of tea. "There you go, that'll help calm you down a bit." He left it on the table for the teen. "Naruto, what happened? Did someone attack you?"

The boy shook his head. "I am scared." He frantically signed. But he stopped knowing his sensei didn't understand anything. He curled up more not knowing why he even bothered to tell him.

But the brunet wanted to help so he handed him a notepad and a pen. "Did you get sick?" He wondered as the blond used sign language. In all honesty, he remembered reading something on Naruto's dossier about suffering from a speech impairment in the past.

"Scared?" Iruka read, "of what? Or who?" He asked.

A few minutes later, Naruto handed him what he had written.
"I think I felt real happiness for the first time in my life. And now I'm scared. Bad things happen when I'm happy."

Being told he was getting adopted as a child only to be betrayed and living the nightmare of his life was a defining moment. It had left an everlasting impression on the helpless kid.

"Nothing bad is going to happen," Iruka rubbed circles in his back. "It's okay to be scared. But you can't let fear control your life." He consoled the terrified child. He understood why someone like Naruto would feel like that.

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