Chapter 27

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Naruto laid down naked in bed. Next to him, Sasuke was in blissful sleep. He traced his boyfriend's pale cheek with his finger, then moved it down to Sasuke's body.

The seal placed on him earlier had consumed his chakra, Naruto was defenseless, sitting in complete darkness, wishing he could at least see Sasuke.

The motion woke the raven up. He would have pulled his boyfriend closer; if he hadn't caught that somber look on his face. 

"Naru?" Sasuke called out, his voice grave and his face solemn as he watched his boyfriend force his cheeks to stretch out into a forced smile. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong-..."

"That's a lie," Sasuke sat up, knowing the blond too well to fall for that. "You're not looking at me. You're hiding behind that unnatural simper," he sat up, holding Naruto's face and peering into his sole eye under the bright moonlight. "Talk to me, please," desperately, Sasuke rested his forehead against Naruto's.

"I have nothing to say," Naruto stated simply. He had plenty to say but no words to use. Where would he begin? Where would it end?

"Did I disappoint you? Hurt you? Naru-..."

"No, Nezumi, don't be silly," Naruto smiled, a bit more genuinely this time. "It was everything I wanted. It was more than I could have ever imagined it to be, and I loved every single second of it with you," 


"There's no but in that regard, Dattebayo?" The blond kissed his boyfriend to ease both his mind and Sasuke's. But having missed Sasuke's actual lips was more than another red flag for the raven.

"Baby, are you not feeling well? We should take you to your grandma's...have her check on could be serious like last time,"

"I'm just tired,"

"Please, for me, Usuratonkachi-..."


"...-I don't want you to lose your other eye-..."

"Sasuke," the blond looked down, broken by the Uchiha's love.

"...-or worse, lose you," he continued, not caring for Naruto's continuous calls. "It'll put my mind-..."

"I'm blind," he confessed in a low voice.

"...-to ease..." Sasuke paused as his brain processed the words, Naruto had uttered, slowly. "Come again?"

"I'm blind, actually blind, as in I can't see a thing. That's why I didn't notice my eye the first time around. It was one of the many things taken away from me during my captivity." Naruto calmly spoke. "I use chakra to see, like echolocation. But I'm currently low, so I can't use it."

Sasuke knew Naruto wasn't lying, but he couldn't wrap his head around it all. He even stupidly waved his hand, praying this was a sick twisted joke. Then it settled in, like the bitterness of a bad almond.

It wasn't enough that they took his innocence away, nor that they tortured him. It wasn't even enough that they mutilated his body; they deprived him of one of his senses.

"Why? Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Sasuke wasn't as surprised of the news. He wasn't sure if that was good or bad.

"Ironically, I told you but then lied immediately because I was scared," Naruto fiddled with his fingers nervously but felt Sasuke's hands hold his.

"Your grandparents know?"

"Yeah, Jiji apparently knew since I was a kid and Baachan found out a while ago." Naruto found himself pulled gently into the arms of the raven. This was barely the tip of the iceberg of the secrets he kept away from the raven.

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