Chapter 3

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Naruto had two clones set at all times. One disguised as the Anbu commander that took care of other missions and the other as Ketsueki Kitsune who kept an eye on Sasuke from the shadows.

The same stares were shot his way on the way home. He knew it won't be long before they try and attack him again. This was too much of a bother, but his reason was valid. He wanted to catch the men that did all those horrible things to him, he wanted to make them suffer. He wanted to have revenge.

Naruto opened the door and saw three people who shouted "surprise" in unison. He knew they were there so he wasn't surprised. But he forced a smile. The fact that his birthday wasn't for another week made him feel a bit at ease.

"Thanks Ero-sennin, Baa-chan, Kakashi-nii" he eased up some more, he could have fun just for a night.

"I told you not to call-..." Tsunade stopped mid sentence when Jiraiya nudged her not to speak. She looked at Naruto whose smile was a bit more genuine.

The two Sannin had never really seen him smile like that before. Kakashi, on the other hand, didn't know him long enough to know the difference.

"Naruto-kun, I didn't have much time to bring you a present..." Kakashi shot him an apologetic look "but...I cooked dinner"

"Ya...did they make you do it?! You're not a maid 'ttebayo!"

"It's okay...I wanted to make your day special too" Kakashi's curved eye was the only indication he was smiling. The two sannin were blushing so hard, they might have pressured Kakashi a bit into cooking.

"I'll let it slide this once, dattebayo" he pouted cutely. He had a soft spot for Kakashi, maybe it was because they were former slaves. Whatever it was, he didn't understand it.

Kakashi reached to ruffle Naruto's hair, like his late sensei used to do to him when he was younger, but the blue eyed boy moved out of the way.
Tsunade cleared her throat at the awkward silence "why don't you get changed and then we can start this evening, neh Naruto?"

"Sure..." The boy walked away, his destination the bathroom for a quick shower.

"Naruto has Aphenphosmphobia, you need to ask for permission if you want to touch him..and he'd mostly say no. I noticed it has to do more with people not himself...most of the time, he clearly doesn't mind touching other people but the opposite is, for an unknown reason, not allowed." Tsunade knew it had to do with his disappearance and the abuse he lived through. But, Naruto's dark history was a secret that even she and Jiraiya were unaware of. He was yet to speak about it to anyone.

"I understand..." Kakashi sat down and just waited. The two older people were arguing then she was blushing at something Jiraiya said.

"Hope I didn't keep you waiting for too long, dattebayo?" He popped up in a blinding orange jumpsuit.

"Where did you get that ugly thing?" Tsunade pointed at the clothes.

"Ero-sennin bought it for me a while ago...." Naruto concluded it must have been the colours that put her off.

"Jiraiya, he's not a kid can't just keep getting him orange clothes..." She facepalmed.

Naruto chuckled and they looked at him the same way Kurama had the first time he heard him laugh. He blushed and looked away.
" make me never wanna laugh again..." He cleared his throat.

"Sorry, Gaki. It's just a rare sight." She smiled at him.

They enjoyed a meal, cracked a few jokes and the blond was even in a better mood that they were allowed few hugs here and there. The food was amazing, but the company ,Naruto had, was even greater.

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