Chapter 7

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Sasuke had realized after a few minutes that the blond had slept in a standing position. If the rhythmic breathing wasn't enough then his cute soft snores sure were.

But Naruto woke up at the smallest movement.
"Sorry, I just wanted to get you to bed so you can sleep more comfortably." Sasuke explained.

Naruto walked to the bedroom and leaned against the wooden frame of his bed. He had turned off his chakra vision as he was still tired from the confrontation with Kyūbi. "Sasuke, can I confine in you? You don't have to say anything. I just need someone to listen."

"Hn, Always."

The blond took a deep breath "I honestly don't know how long I can hold on." Naruto looked down at his arms. "Everyone wants me dead. I know not everyone but I feel like trying to change the way 99.99% of the people are looking at me isn't even worth it. I'm just some monster. Ironically, I don't know how to kill myself, it's not that I didn't try. It's not like they didn't try either." He hugged his legs closer "Kurama gets angry at me when I hurt myself. But sometimes I wonder if he really worries about me or just himself."

Sasuke sat next to him and listened.
"Who's Kurama?"

"Kyūbi" Naruto informed.

"I thought you were the nine tails-..." Sasuke voiced his shock. Pretty much everyone in Konoha thought Naruto and Kyūbi were one and the same.

"I'm the host. Some Uzumaki have a very rare form of chakra. My mother had it. she was the Jīnchuriki before she passed away; the day I was born of all days. She died, Ōtousan died, I got Kurama sealed inside of me and I was blamed for that attack."

"I'm...I'm sorry for your loss," Sasuke didn't think sorry was enough.

"I used to wonder why they left me in this hell all alone. If I just died too that day-...I know you'll say I shouldn't wish for such a thing but my childhood...I don't feel comfortable going into the details of it. Let's just say I didn't exactly have one." The blond wiped his tears quickly.

"I assume that's why you don't like people.."

"Pretty much, I have a hard time trusting anyone, even my own godparents. I sometimes feel like a long term mission to them. I can tell when people are being disingenuous but I have lived with Tsunade and Jiraiya long enough to know just how good they both are at manipulating people around them." Naruto realized from the deafening silence that followed that he might have overburdened Sasuke. "I'm sorry, 'ttebayo?"

"Don't be, I just don't know how to reply. Chances are they do care about you, she was really pissed earlier and I barely convinced her to let me come check on you. Maybe they don't know how to approach you. I mean if I was Anbu for my whole life and suddenly I was a parent in my forties; I don't think I'll be a good parent."

"Mhm, I never thought about it that way." Naruto confessed.

Knocks softly interrupted their conversation and Tsunade came to tell Sasuke-kun his fifteen minutes were up.
But she saw the blood trails from the bathroom, Naruto motionless by the bed and she thought the worst.

Sasuke found himself in midair, her punch about ready to beat him to a pulp.
"Ōbaachan, put him down I'm fine."
Naruto came between the two of them.

"He hurt-..."

"He didn't hurt me." Naruto looked down ashamed to confess this secret of his "I did it to myself...dattebayo?"

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