Chapter 35

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Kushina had momentarily felt Kyūbi's presence yet another time. But before she even got the Anbu on it, someone had barged in her office.

"Lady Hokage! We have a situation!" He panicked. "A group of people have suddenly appeared at our gates!" He informed before she asked. "With them some masked armed men."

Kushina rushed out of office. "Has the Anbu commander mobilized?" She asked as she walked swiftly.

"Yes, ma'am. They should arrive at the gate shortly."

Kushina has been on edge since her son and Uchiha Sasuke went missing without a trace. Does this sudden appearance have to do with what she just sensed?

Shishi arrived at the gate, he knew that chakra signal, he knew it too well to even think it was an enemy.
He came to a sudden halt in front of the injured people with many clones tending to them.

His eyes watered behind his mask and he rushed to the one by Sasuke, assuming it was the original.

Naruto raised his head, "you're the commander now, Shishi." He replied softly, focusing on healing Sasuke more.

Shishi signalled for medics to come over.
"Taishō, are you hurt anywhere?"

"No. We were ambushed just before I managed to recover. Sasuke got the short end of the stick." He covered for the fact Sasuke is the new Kyūbi Jīnchuriki.
"But it's nothing serious. How are the villages dealing with Otogakure's outlaws?"

"They've been out of hand but none of the villages want to sent their best men out there. And we can't risk keeping Konoha vulnerable either, so they've agreed to put the outlaws in the Bingo Books."

"It's a nightmare in there, where are their feudal lords?"

"Many of them have taken asylum here. We're giving them protection." Shisui informed. "Why?"

"Do you happen to have an updated bingo book on you?" He stood up.


"For the last time Shishi, I'm not the commander anymore. I'll take care of this as a Bounty Hunter." He extended his hand waiting for the bingo book.

Shisui handed the booklet to the boy he still considered his commander. And with a poof, the person was out of his sight.


Sasuke woke up in the hospital, surrounded by police officers and Anbu agents.
"Naruto," he tried to find his lover amongst the masked people of the Anbu.

"We still haven't found Uzumaki-san," the police officer spoke.

"What? He was with me just this morning." Sasuke held his head, did he imagine it all? It hurt to think about it, his memory was fuzzy and he couldn't tell if it was a dream or reality.

"Can you tell us about that?" The officer continued but it appeared the raven passed out, "Uchiha-san?" She sighed annoyed that she has to entertain this monster. She reached to shake him up, thinking none of the Anbu would care. After all, none of them apart from the new Anbu commander and his team have ever mobilized to save the teen.

She winced in pain, her fingers a few inches away from the Uchiha. The young man was wearing a demon mask, even she who didn't deal with Anbu matters knew which mercenary bounty hunter it belonged to: the infamous Konoha's silent death. But he disappeared during the attack on Konoha, not that she expected a merc to have any kind of loyalty.

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