21) Heart-Stopping Offers

Start from the beginning

"Well, I'm glad Lexi gave you a ride. That was the responsible thing to do. But if somethings going on between you two, then maybe we should have a talk."

"Nothing's going on," I answer too quickly, and feel Jace's hand withdraw from my back.

Looking over, I see him chewing on his cheek, head hung with defeat. My stomach twists up at the sight even though I know I'm right.

Nothings going on. We kissed and slept in the same bed but it's not like it's going to go further than that.

It can't.

"Mmhmm." Mom nods unconvinced. "We should still have that talk, just in case but...not right now. Right now, sweetie, I need to talk to you about something else."

Like whatever she was talking on the phone about.

Jace clears his throat. "Is it ok if I grab something to drink from the kitchen?"

"Help yourself, Jace." Mom gives him a genuine smile.

He walks off without a single look my way, pulling away from me in more than just the physical sense. Staring at Jace's back as he disappears through the dining room, a tightness creeps up my chest and wraps around my throat. My legs shake with the urge to follow him.

"Last night, Carl received a call from some family in New York," Mom's voice pulls my attention, loosening my internal choker for the moment. "Turns out his ex-wife was in a car accident. A drunk driver ran a red light and...well, she didn't make it."

"Oh, god." My mouth hangs open, my hands flying to cover it and hide the horror on my face.

Poor Carl!

I know him and his ex-wife weren't close anymore but they must've loved each other at some point. Enough to marry and have...

"What about Mila and Kwan? Are they okay?"

My mom nods. "The twins were out when it happened, so they're fine...physically."

Carl's daughter Mila and son Kwan visited for a week over the summer. For being a year younger than me, they're both a force of nature in their own rights. Mila is strong, independent, pretty, with lots of attitude and a big heart, even if she tries to hide it. Kwan is just as strong as his sister but quiet, dark, and blocks everyone out with walls that reach to the sky. They give Carl a run for his money, clearly holding onto some anger. Can't say I blame them. I'd be pissed too if I had a dad who moved nearly sixteen hours away.

But no matter how tough the twins are, this has to be hard for them. It would be hard for anyone. I can't imagine what I would do if I lost my mom.

"But Carl needs to get to them as soon as possible. Other than their aunt, and maternal grandparents, he's all they have now." A stray tear slides from Mom's tired eyes, a shuttering breath escaping as her heart breaks for the man she loves and his kids. "Carl's going to move them down here. So, when that time comes, we need to be supportive and help them get settled in."

"Of course!"

Mom gives me a small smile. "Thank you. I know Carl will appreciate your help too, but he has to go get Mila and Kwan first. There's also the matter of having Cho's funeral, wrapping up her assets, and all that legal stuff. It's going to take a few weeks and he could use some help, so he asked me to come with him. I haven't taken vacation time from work in years, and have enough of it saved up to go. He needs my support, and I want to be there for him."

"Okay. I'll be fine here for a little while. No worries."

"Oh, no." Mom shakes her head. "You're not staying here by yourself."

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