Chapter 13 | Kill Him

Start from the beginning

"Clarke shouldn't be out here," Zona looked to where Finn and Raven stood only a couple feet in front of her, listening in on their conversation. "Her mom was on the ship, she's looking for answers." Raven's jaw visibly tensed at the worried look Finn gave Clarke. "You want to help her? Find me the black box with the hard drives. Anything that'll help me figure out why the ship crashed." Raven walked around a broken part of the ship, Zona walking faster to catch up to her.

"Stay sharp, grounder retaliation for what happened on the bridge is coming. It's a matter of when," Bellamy said, not realizing Zona wasn't by his side anymore. "Can you blame them?" Finn spoke up, earning a glare from Zona. "No I blame you," Bellamy remarked, his eyes quickly glancing towards Zona as if to see if she was okay.

"Well maybe if you didn't bring guns-"

"If we didn't bring guns Zona would have been killed and maybe we would have been too," Raven interrupted Finn, a very annoyed look on her face.

"What is a hard drive?" Zona asked Raven, earning a weird look from her and basically anyone else who was in talking distance.

"When their coming doesn't matter anymore, it's our job to be ready when they do. We're on our own now," Bellamy said. "It's a data storage device and if I can get my hands on it I can break through it to know why this ship crashed," Raven answered Zona who nodded along at the new information. "It is technology?" Zona asked, her eyebrows furrowing together.

"Yes," Bellamy answered, smiling with no teeth at the smaller girl. Raven had been watching Bellamy keep a close eye on her when ever she was around, but never knew that maybe it was because he had actual feelings for her, for a grounder. She looked away from the two and looked from Finn to where he was staring at, Clarke. "Clarke stop!" Raven suddenly yelled, making Finn and Bellamy run after her to where Clarke was standing. Zona stood by a skeleton, not paying attention to the group until Raven yelled again. "Fire in the hole!" She watched as Raven threw something into an opened area of the entire run down ship, an explosion coming from it. "We need to clear the area!" Raven said to Bellamy who nodded.

"Okay then, moving formation. No straggling, weapons hot. We got to get back before dark." Zona stopped paying attention again after Bellamy yelled, focusing on the skeleton that laid in front of her. Everyone walked passed her, Bellamy putting his large hand on the small of her back as they started walking back to camp, her eyes glued straight ahead, Bellamy's on her every so often.


When they all returned back to camp, it was already dark out. News had gotten to them that Murphy was back at camp, Zona's blood boiling at his name. He turned her in to her own people.

"Where is he?" Bellamy's voice boomed through the dropship as he entered. Clarke, Zona, and Finn right behind him. Bellamy's eyes widened at the sight of him, that could have been Zona had she stayed. Or she could have been dead, he thought. "Everyone but Connor and Derek out. Now." Bellamy ordered his eyes staying on Murphy's fragile form.

"He claims he was with the grounders," one of the boys said as he eyed Zona. "We caught him trying to sneak back into camp," the other one said as Zona sent a glare to the first boy, he quickly looked away. "He wasn't speaking..."

"I was running from the grounders," Murphy's voice was in a hush tone as he spoke, he sounded like he was in so much pain that Zona suddenly felt guilty. It was her people that did this, and if she hadn't traited them in the first place he wouldn't have outed her.

"Did anyone see any grounders?" Bellamy held an angry tone as he sent daggers to Murphy, the two boys shaking their head. "Well in that case," Bellamy raised the gun up to Murphy, Zona was quick to stand in front of it and Finn pushing the gun down. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Finn yelled.

"We were clear on what would happen if we came back, now move Zona."

"No! If he was with the grounder than he knows things that maybe Zona doesn't because she was marked a traitor, he could help us. They wouldn't have told her." Finn stood next to Zona, they both acted like a shield to Murhpy.

"Help us? We hanged him, than vanished him and now we're going to kill him. I won't ask again Zona. Get the hell out of my way," Bellamy's jaw clenched as he aimed the gun again Zona stepping closer to it. It was directly at her forehead, seeing how short she was, she quickly grabbed it and held it there. "Shoot me," she dared. Eyes locking with Bellamy's.

Bellamy put the gun down as he eyed Zona with soft eyes, of course he wasn't going to fucking shoot her. "Coward," Zona smirked, making Bellamy roll his eyes at her. "No, Finn's right." Clarke pushed passed the two and bent down next to Murphy.

"Like hell he is Clarke! Think about Charlotte and what he did to Zona!" Bellamy yelled eyes fixing on the back of Clarke's head. "I am, but what happened to them was as much our fault as his," Clarke snapped.

"He's not lying, his fingernails were torn off," Clarke said as she checked his hand.

"They usually start from the hand, make their way up the arms and then to the rest of the body. They leave the face for last. They tortured him," Zona said casually, earning a look from the three at what she said.

"You and the grounders should compare notes," Finn sarcastically said. "The grounders know we're at war. What did you tell them about us?" Bellamy angrily asked Murhpy.

"Everything," Zona put her head down, she hadn't yet told them how her people had found out about her traiting them, nor the fact that she knew they had Murphy. "Was that you I heard yelling the first night I was there, grounder princess?" Suddenly Clarke, Finn, and Bellamy realized he had been the one to out her. Bellamy was quick to charge forward at what he said, Finn holding him back. It was true, her people had tortured her, but not as badly as they did to Murphy. It was only a couple of bruises she could handle.

"I will kill you Murhpy!" Bellamy yelled from behind Finn, his eyes softening when he looked towards Zona. Images of him torturing Lincoln coming back, only it was Zona this time.

"Once he's better we find out what he knows, and then he's out of here. Okay?" Clarke didn't wait for a response as she walked passed Bellamy. "What if he refuses to leave. What do we do with him then?" Bellamy remarked.

"Then we kill him," Clarke said simply, earning a smile from Zona. That was the brave person a leader could be.


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