CH. 54 ~ Showdown

Start from the beginning

I concentrate on my energy, forcing my spatial magic, the hardest magic type for me to master, to envelope him in an orange glow as he's frozen in time. With the way, he's struggling and with the growing powers of Asura and Yama, I find it harder and harder to execute the spell and my energy is slowly depleting.

"FRAAZA! JIKS FRAAZA!" I command at the top of my lungs, a distorted grimace appearing on my face and it works. I successfully encased him in the orange glow as I had unconsciously done a while back in Eohithra, allowing myself to catch my breath before I move onto the next part.

Straddling his waist, I move my hands and place them on either side of his head, the only part of his body I didn't freeze. He shakes and moves his head but it's of no use when he's frozen this way.

"We know what you're trying to do!" Asura seethes. "It won't work! Yunho no longer exists here!"

"Quiet!" I snap at them without much thought and I'm a bit surprised to see that it works. Closing my eyes once more, I conjure up more energy than before, feeling the purple glow of mental magic light up my seals and soon after my palms.

I can still feel the struggle this man is putting up but it's died down significantly. The soothing purple glow relaxes him, but I'm still struggling to get into his head.

"Get. Out. Of. His. Head!" I grit through my teeth, digging my finger into the brunette's head as he lets out a mangled shout of frustration. I was putting so much effort into it that the veins on my skin have begun to glow with that faint purple light. The amount of force and struggle going on between me and Asura and Yama begins taking its toll on me and a burning pain shoots up my palms, making me yell as I frustratedly add more fuel to the fire

"PLEASE! YUNHO, I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE! JUST COME OUT! HELP ME STOP ASURA AND YAMA!" I plead, feeling my grip on him slipping away as my energy sources deplete faster and faster by the second. Tears pool up in my eyes out of anger and fury, and I think to myself that all is lost. My powers are running out and I still haven't gotten aren't closer to getting these monsters out of Yunho's body.

In a last, drastic effort to get these creatures out of my brown-haired friend, I switch my magic type once more. The purple hue that was glowing under my palms soon turns a dark, dark red— a red for emotional magic.

Please, is the only thing I can think to myself, Please let this work.

I wield my powers so that they can somehow calm Yunho's anger and replace it with the serenity he desires. Hopefully, if I can calm his emotions down enough, it will cause Asura and Yama's strength to dwindle.

Not long after I enacted my tactic did I feel the small opening into Yunho's head break open. A barely sensible crack, one that would've been trifling and insignificant to others, but a mark of a small victory to me.

I concentrate on that crack, pouring my last bits of strength into it, hearing Yunho gasp and seize up when I do.

"NO, SUN-MI, STOP! HE'S LONG GONE! YOU CAN'T DO THIS!" I'm suddenly flung off of his body as soon as my grip on my magic crumbles away completely and I roll away from his coughing form, struggling to get myself up.

His voice had returned to normal and when he turned his head to look over at me I saw the once black eyes starting to clear up. My heart races at the sight overjoyed that my idea had worked but there's something still off.

"S-Sun-Mi, I can't—," he cuts himself off, grunting as he gets up, holding his head with a pained expression. It takes him a second to grab a hold of himself and there's still a large struggle in him as he stumbles toward me.

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞!𝐚𝐮) 𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐙Where stories live. Discover now