"W..what I m..mean is..." you couldn't come up with anything. Everything was out of whack, you were panicking at answer a stupid question. That never happens.

"Ummmm...." you tried to stall for as much time as you could but no matter how much time you secured you couldn't come up with an excuse.

You could feel anxiety get its hold on you. Making you more alert.

You could feel you face go cold with the thought of meeting the thing again. You couldn't me him again. You wouldn't!

"That place, what do you mean?" Law seemed more concerned if anything. He was wearing a similar face too earlier, he was worried.

'Why would he worry about me?'

You couldn't comprehend the look in his eye. His looks is something you hardly remember.

Flashes of natsu with the same expression pierced it's way into your mind.

'Why do they look at me like that?'

"Why?! Why do you wear that face?! Why?! I don't understand. Do you think I'm weak? Why do you have that same god dam look in your eye?!" You couldn't handle anymore stress.

Everything seemed to restrict your movements. You couldn't understand the emotions that flooded your body.

A warm liquid ran down your face. Tears.

They worked there way down towards your chin and dropped off..

You gave up hiding your tears. They were crashing their way down your face making it impossible to hide it.

You looked law in the eye with the best of your ability.

His face.

He was surprised.

Was it because you were crying?

Without a second passing law wrapped is warm arms around your body.

He was careful to not squeeze. This position was very unfamiliar yet felt so comforting.

You leaned your head against his shoulder and let out everything.

Years of having no comfort and for the first time in forever you got some sort of comfort.

Tears and snot joined in the mix, staining laws jumper and yet they didn't stop.

Eventually law started to rub circles on your back as a way of comfort. No words were spoken, yet it was the most pleasurable silence you've ever experienced.

A muffled "why?" Escaped your lips. You didn't understand why he was always helping you? Why give a home to a demon? Why help you? What was he getting?

"Luna, your apart of my crew. Of course I worry. Maybe you more than others" law seemed to go stiff once those words let.

"Why me?" You kept your head within his shoulder while you had conversation with him.

He let out a loud sigh as if you had missed something.

"Luna can you not see it?" With a few seconds of no answer he removed himself from the hug.

Both your eyes made contact with his. It was almost intimate. That thought alone made your face go a bright red.

Law seemed to think the same thing as his ears went light pink. He was trying desperately to keep his blush down.

"Because luna.....you're special" you could hear your heartbeat in your ears. It was continuously increasing.

You couldn't focus on anything other than law. He had made you feel like this, he has to know why.

You wanted to ask questions but you couldn't bring the words to your lips. Normally when you feel like this you feel endangered and a compulsion to kill whoever was in front of you.

Yet this feeling was completely different, you wanted to run away almost but couldn't bring yourslef to move. The only movement you made was to stare at laws face. He was the only thing that you could look at.

What is this feeling?

Law withdrew himself from the hug and took a big breath in. He held it there for a few seconds and let it go in an almost sigh way.

He made his way towards you again. Except this was completely different, he was bringing your faces closer together.

You couldn't comprehend what was happening.

Your lips had touched.

You couldn't help but relax at the contact, it was so relaxing. He had his eyes closed during the kiss but you couldn't keep yours closed.

Your eyes scanned for anything, anyone that knew what was going on. Your heart had started to pump the blood round faster and faster.

While frantically looking around you hadn't realised that law had opened his eyes untill you made direct eye contact.

He was drawing your attention while deepening the kiss. He almost seemed like a pro at kissing.

You had only seen people in the street hold hands and kiss so this experience was new.

Yet it felt so needed.

Law tried to slip his tongue between your lips, you denied as you didn't know what to do. Everything is new to you. You had no idea why people would stick their tongues in others mouth.

He seemed disappointed but soon realised that you had no idea what was going on by your eyes.

You pulled away breathless with more than most lips.

You wanted to ask so many questions but none would rise. You were left in a room with you and law trying to capture the breath you just lost.

Within a few seconds law had gotten up and started to head towards the door.

"Luna...I think I may like you" You were left in disbelief as he made his way out the door.

The door closed but you only felt that multiple more had just opened. Questions were flying through your head as too why he did that.

You brought your hand up to you lips and you felt the foreign liquid that resided there.

You felt your cheeks heating up more then they already were.

'He might like me? Is that what this feeling is?'

You couldn't believe your own heart or head at this point. You were so confused.

You laid down on the bed looking to the ceiling for answers. You were given none.

You head was the only thing you could confide in but you couldn't no, didn't want to believe your thoughts.

"I might like law........"

Your eyes widened.

"I think I like law...."

You knew deep within your heart that you have more feelings for him than other humans. Is that love.

"What is love and how do I know I like someone else?"

"What is happening to me?!"

Hay guys, I hope you guys are enjoying it so far.

College is eating away at my time and sleep, it's making it harder too write but I will!!!

Thank you all for staying with me.
If any of you think of anything that could help me improve this book I'd really appreciate it if you would comment about it. Wanna make sure your guys enjoy it as much as I do writing it.

Stay safe!!

Trafalgar law x OCTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon