Drunk Law

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After finishing the food that was in front of you, you took your plate of food into the kitchen and washed it up. It was the least you could do.

Snooping around the kitchen you found a cupboard with your favourite cider. You weren't a light weight but you hadn't had alcohol enough in your life to drink more than a bottle of it.

You contemplated on drinking the cider as it could be poisoned. You knew that it was a very rare chance but you still had your doubt.

After multiple minutes of contemplating you decided that you wouldn't drink it. You weren't in a safe enough environment and you didn't want to put your self at risk.

You shut the cupboard and ended up getting a glass of orange juice. It was the only drink you could trust that was in the fridge as it was the only thing that wasn't opened.

You filled your glass with the sweet orange liquid. The smell hit you as soon as you had opened the lid. It was amazing.

You haven't had the chance to have orange juice in a long time. You were going to saviour every last drop.

You walked out of the kitchen with glass in hand. You looked over to where law was and was surprised to see that he was still there.

He had gone through another bottle of the alcohol that he was drinking. He seemed to be in a bad mood.

After knowing about what he went through you couldn't help but have a small bit of pity for him.

You knew in the end you were going to leave but it wouldn't kill you to be some what nice to him.

This was very out of character for you. You were going to sit with him while he drinks but you weren't going to say a word unless he spoke first.

It was bad enough that you now felt sadness for your captor and now you were trying to comfort him. You were losing you mind slowly.

' I need to get out of here and fast'

For now you had decided to stay with law as you couldn't really do anything else.

You let put a low sigh and sip your orange juice. It was a very refreshing taste. It covered all spaces in your mouth even covering some cuts making it sore.

You weren't bothered by the pain in the slightest as it was really nothing.

You looked over to law after putting you glass back into the table. He was drowning in alcohol. He even had a light pink tint covering his cheeks.

'How much has he drunk' He was barely able to keep his hand around the bottle. You look underneath the table to see if he had hidden any bottle from you.

You were horrified when you saw atleast 7 empty bottles. He was on his 8th. 'How can this man be so relaxed around me'

You knew you could probably get something out of law with the state he was in but you felt empathy for him. He was probably trying to get rid of all the memories flooding his head.

You quickly downed you orange juice and got up headed back to the kitchen. You cleaned you glass and got a fresh one. You filled it with water and started making your way back to the table you were once at.

To your confusion law was no longer sitting there, he was missing. A cold shiver broke out spreading down your back.

A drunk law was now roaming around the ship. It couldn't get any worse.

Without a seconds notice a pair of hands had wrapped themselves around you and a head was placed on your shoulder. You were trapped.

"Luna-ya do you remember what happened when we first met?" He was out of his mind. Was he talking about the time he took my heart.

Trafalgar law x OCDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora