Will he catch on?

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Gritting and baring was all you could do. You didn't want to alert law of your injuries so you just walked silently as many imaginary daggers were thrown into your arm.

'Am I even gonna be able to last to the next island?'

Dread filled you as you thought of not reaching the next island.

"Luna-ya why do you look so stiff?"

Law was like a saving grace bring you out of thought. 'Thank god hes here'

Being in your thoughts you didn't really hear the question.

"Huh? What?" The pain in your arm wasnt lessening but your getting used to it as its continuous.

Obviously it still hurt but it's starting to dull, maybe because of the way you can completely switch your brain off to most things around you.

"I asked why are you stiff? Just what has happened?"

'How can you go from not talking to getting suspicious of me'

You just had to get hurt badly to the point it was hard to hide. When that pirate bumped your arm you definitely knew your face would have given it away.

Your masked all of your feelings but when something drastic happens you become all messed up.

Finding it harder and harder to keep the mask you wear perfect.

'Did law see my face in pain? Where is he taking me?'

Thoughts flooded your head, it was almost impossible to speak the answer to the question.

"I... I havent been getting too much sleep lately" You came up with a default answer but this would be your down fall.

"You dont sleep well anyway Luna-ya. So what's the real reason?"

'Fuck, I cant get anything past this guy at all. How can I save this?'

You could feel your heart quicken, it was as if your heart could explode.

The stress and the pain that is corsing through your body is taking a big toll on you. The more the blood was pumped around your body, the pain would increase.

You could even feel throbbing in your arm.

"Why are you so silent? Got something to hide?"

He kept adding more and more pressure to the situation. Making your heart beat increase causing even more panic to your body.

Your body was replicating the same effect you had when adrenaline kicked in.

Your mind racing a mile a minute and yet you couldn't come up with any answer. It became even more foggy the more you thought.

Flashes of past events passed by your mind, reminding you of what you had just barely pulled yourself through.

Without realising you scratched your wrist making the bite mark bleed. While in a panicked state you had ripped some flesh of but it was still attached. You had hoped that it would have healed easily with it but you guessed wrong.

Minor movements would open the bite on your wrist, making it bleed but it had finally scabed up, but the scratching had irritated it causing it to re-open.

Causing a small amount of blood to trickle down your arm dropping off the tip of your index finger. The blood continued to drip, making your injury more and more noticable.

The continuously drops of blood hit the floor one after the other. Making small splashes that were drowned out by the foot steps that were made by you and law.

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