'Hell no!'

He threw his chair back and quickly dressed up and left their apartment with Vin who also changed into something proper.
"Location now!" Abhi demanded and Vin told him.
He drove his other car, a black Aston Martin Vanquish, in a full speed.
There was silence in the car, Abhi was speeding in a blind rage. Vin didn't even dare try to say anything.
"Call Arjun," he ordered and Vin did what he was told and put the call on speaker.
Arjun answered in a first ring and only said one thing. "Hey Vin, tell him I know, I'm on my way there too."
"Hey beautiful what's your name?" The guy that was dancing with Pragya asked.

"None ya." She answered casually dancing on a next song.

The guy furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "None ya? What does it mean?"

Pragya turned to him and gave him a death glare, "it means none ya damn business mister. Now if you don't mind, I prefer to dance alone."

"Ey girl I just came here in peace I swear. I see a beautiful girl dancing alone and I couldn't resist myself so.."

"So you thought this girl," Pragya pointed herself, "should be your next sex game am I right?" She started walking towards her table where Mouni was sitting, who was curiously watching them.

The guy laughed and followed her, "or I just thought to ask this girl out on a date." He sat opposite Pragya.

Mouni immediately jumped in, "sorry no can do she's taken and her man is very possessive, he's probably on his way here as we speak to scoop her away from men like you that wouldn't stop looking at her like she's something to eat."

Pragya turned to her friend and frowned, "What did you do?"
Mouni just waved her off.

"Oh so you got a boyfriend huh? And a possessive one too. That don't sound healthy, perhaps you should get a new one," he winked at Pragya.
She laughed and sipped her drink. "Like whom? You?"

He just grinned and Mouni glowered at him suspiciously.
"Listen here mister..." Mouni started but was quickly interrupted.

"Sangram. My name is Sangram Singh." He smiled at Pragya who was smirking at him.

Mouni rolled her eyes, "you can be Shahid Kapoor for all I care, she's not interested capeesh?"

Sangram sighed annoyed with Mouni but still smiled at Pragya. He reached and took her hand shocking the two girls, "I believe she can speak for herself?"

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Mouni warned him.

Pragya tried to pull her hand out but he tightened his grip. She was starting to get a bit panicked and just in a flash her hand was pulled out and heard Sangram scream in pain.
"Aah! What the..."

She looked up and saw his hand twisted by the man who's eyes were dark, cold and rigid. His jaw was stiff and looked ready to kill.

"If you ever touch her again, your hand will be the least to worry about, do you understand me?" Abhi was using that slow and menacing tone and Sangram quickly nodded looking frightened by Abhi.
"Good," he dropped his hand. "Now get out of my sight before I change my mind."
Sangram quickly stood up and ran from there.

There was silence and Arjun went to sit next to his fiancé and brought her hand to his lips and kissed it. "You okay?" He asked and Mouni smiled at him and nodded yes.

"Abhi? What are you doing here?" Pragya asked.

He snorted, "well let's see...You don't answer my calls, my texts, then I see you on Instagram dancing with some guy I don't know and you're asking me why I'm here?"

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