29 : Role Playing Game

Start from the beginning

"Wow, she really must've trusted you." Chynna remarked.

"What do you mean?" Rhian asked.

"Her mom's death really made a major change in her personality whenever her birthday comes. Her outgoing and bubbly personality changed her into a cold, close-off person. She turn down any social gatherings we suggested. Even Benjamin wasn't successful in convincing her into going out. And for the two birthdays she had without her mom, it was at those times she had anger issues, easily gets irritated, and silent..." Chynna gaze at Rhian. "I swear Rhian, you're the only one who brought the cheerful Glaiza back during her birthday. How'd you do it?"

"I... I don't know, I just talked to her. You know, explained to her about focusing more on the happy memories she had with her mom. I didn't know she's experiencing terrible issues during her birthdays. She didn't tell me anything about that." Rhian glance at the short-haired girl and gave a small smile upon seeing her engaged in a lively conversation and laughing with the guys. "But I'm glad she got passed through all of that. I don't want to see her that sad again."

Her gaze lingered on the girl for a little longer before it was cut short when she heard someone sighing loudly. She turn back to Chynna.

"Yeah. Cha had already gone through enough suffering. Its time for her to have certain changes. And I'm glad that you've brought that change to her. Really, I appreciate it." Chynna smiled before she went on making fried rice. Rhian turn to her quiet cousin, only to see her giving a strange look.

"What?" Rhian frowned.

Lovi opened her mouth but quickly closed it, giving a tight smile. "Nothing." Before she went to prepare the dining table.

She didn't know why, but it made Rhian nervous, having an inkling as to what her cousin's look meant. She shake her head to dismiss her troubled thoughts.

When they all sat down to eat, Jason appeared. Silently, the guy made his over to Glaiza, his gaze locked at hers. Instinctively, Rhian stood up and blocked her fake girlfriend from his view, her hand making contact with his chest.

"Don't come closer." Rhian muttered.

"Chill, I'm not going to attack. I just want to apologize." The guy raised his arm in surrender, before he glance at the short-haired girl. "Glaiza, I'm sorry about yesterday. I swear, it wasn't my intention to insult your mother, its just-"

"A joke, I know.  I'm sorry too if I went harsh on you. The things you've said... I guess it made me snap. But its okay, I know you didn't mean any of it." Glaiza retorted.

"Soo, we're cool?" Jason says to which Glaiza nodded. The guy look up at the rich girl. "Now do you believe me?"

"I would be, if you start walking away. You've said your apology, now get out of my sight." Rhian snapped.

"Rhian..." Glaiza warned as she clutch the rich girl's hem of her shirt in attempt to stop her.

But Rhian didn't budge and instead cross her arms and kept glaring at the guy. Jason stared back at her, but still, the rich girl's gaze didn't wavered. Seconds after, Jason shook his head, a tight smile on his face. "Fine." Before he started walking away, not before grabbing two toast breads, and a small plateful of scrambled eggs. He gave a last look at Rhian before he went to his room.

"Hey," Glaiza tug on Rhian's shirt, when she saw that the rich girl's gaze followed Jason until he disappeared in his room. "You've scared him enough, now sit down and eat."

Without a word, Rhian complied and began eating, complimenting the food every now and then, as if nothing happened. The group, who had been surprise at the situation, decided to brush off the rich girl's sudden behavior and started talking among themselves. Not long, the group are  enjoying their breakfast with lively conversation.

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