Author's Note

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Hey, readers! It saddens me to tell you this, but you've reached the end of this story. I know the ending wasn't that great but I really don't know how to make endings. But I do hope you enjoyed it.

I want to thank all of you for taking time to read this fanfiction of mine. For the votes and the comments(I read all of them hehe). For not abandoning this story despite my crucially slow update. It also flatters me that some of you compliments my work and my writing style, even though there are some grammatical and punctual errors. I'll try to improve them though. For some who had been frustrated about the slowburn romance, I'm sorry but that's just how I want this story to be. I'm still new to this so... yeah.

With this story ending, this doesn't mean the end of the RaStro story. I still have a bunch of RaStro ideas with different genres. I'm currently leaning towards a fantasy/supernatural RaStro story, so I guess that's what my next story would be. But I wouldn't be introducing it this month though, as I still need to piece together my ideas, further researches, create book title and book cover, etc. One thing I can hint on about the upcoming story, is that it would mostly take place outdoors(maybe a forest) and a minor war would occur. Don't worry, I'll add more romance between our beloved RaStro, as opposed to this story.

While doing so, I'll be editing this story so there might be a few additions and changes(maybe major) here and there. Do check my profile once in a while for any updates( if you want to of course). Or not. I can't really control what you do anyway hehe. Anyway, thanks again for the reads and the votes and the comments and the follows. I appreciate all of it. Take care you guys, and stay safe!

Lots of love,

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