TOGETHER: Part ∞ + 4

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"What is your favourite movie Paikek?" Seanyung wondered, while four of us walked through the streets to the Komorebi park, which was the most lovely place in the Kawaakari city. There was a cafe called Komorebi Cafe there, which sounded very familiar to me.

"It's Dreaming Stars because I like films about magic." Paikek continued as he effused: "The spells are excellent in the movie, and it has a good vibe. I like it when films have a good vibe."

"Kawaakari is a perfect place to film movies because it has that perfect warm weather." Bomyu commented who was walking beside me.

Eventually, we arrived at the Komorebi park, which was the paradise of street musicians and a perfect place to rest. There was a statue of a panda in the middle of the square. When we looked around, we saw some people feeding ducks, some laying on the grass, and some having a good time with their pets. People in the park all had an outstanding style. That's why we all wore matching white converses that day. Seanyung had a black and white striped top, Bomyu had a blue shirt on white trousers, and Paikek was wearing a white sweatshirt on blue jeans. No need to mention, Paikek had his small black bag on, as always.

"This is Komorebi Park!" four of us marvelled at the same time.

"This place is amazing." Seanyung closed his eyes and breathed the fresh air of the park.

"Squirrel!" Paikek gasped, noticing a squirrel on a cherry tree next to the panda statue.

After a few steps, we stopped to watch two street performers sing and play a song which we couldn't understand. While Bomyu's mouth dropped, Paikek's eyes were widened, and Seanyung was so focused on the performance, he was literally stunned. I couldn't take my eyes off from the performers while they played the guitar extremely fast.

"This is so nice!" Seanyung marvelled as he watched the singers playing the guitar and singing the strange song.

For the next few minutes, we kept watching the breathtaking performance. When it ended, we cheered, and we vigorously applauded them.

"It was amazing!" Paikek bubbled as he cheered the musicians.

Subsequently, Bomyu ran next to them with a ten pounds tip in his hand. He bowed down to put the tip into their guitar case.

"Thank you." the bearded street performer thanked in a deep husky voice.

"Thank you. It was awesome!" I thanked them for the show as we walked away.

We walked across the paths between green trees which had birds of every colour on them. The breeze that blew over the trees was calm and peaceful.

"Isn't it that thing?" I pointed to the panda statue as we walked closer to it.

"Yeah right, we should take a picture here." Paikek refused.

"Sure." Bomyu put his left arm around me and his right arm around Paikek's shoulders, while Seanyung crouched down for the picture.

The power of friendship I felt at that moment made my heart warmer, my mind wiser, and my life better. My three friends were there, and we were bonded strongly together.

After taking the picture, we walked through the park filled with ducks while a piano song began playing in the background.

"Oh, look, there's a piano!" Seanyung pointed his hand to a girl who was playing the piano in the middle of the park.

"Wow!" Paikek amazed by the sound of the piano and its combination with the slow breeze.

"Let's listen closely." Seanyung rushed towards the piano player who was wearing a black hoodie and glimmering sunglasses.

Boys of a Daytime StarTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon