FOREVER: Part ∞ + 15

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"Karuma panda is back? How? We saw it entering the portal door two years ago. How?" I hastily sputtered in confusion as I watched the magical orb showing the moment when the panda was breaking the car's windows.

According to the magical orb, at first, the Karuma Panda ran onto the parked car and created shadows around the car. The shadows broke the windows of the car as they got inside and outside.

"Doesn't that mean Yonsan should be back too?" Paikek puzzled, putting his wand away, making the magical orb disappear.

"But how?" I questioned, and continued; "We talked to Yonsan yesterday by the light bubble."

"Right, that's right." Paikek nodded, pressing his lips together.

"Guys, why don't we go inside? It's so cold here." Bomyu suggested unexpectedly, as the wind blew stronger across the road surrounded by cherry trees.

"Sure Bomyu." Paikek grinned; "Come on guys let's go in."

We walked back to the book store. I pulled the door by its handle but it didn't move. Then, after trying to push it as well, I realised that it was locked.

"It is closed!" I sighed.

"What?! She was about to tell something important about the book." Seanyung gasped in shock.

"And, all of you wanted to go outside." I complained, throwing the star book to the ground.

"Karu!" Seanyung rushed, picking up the book from the pavement.

"I am sorry." I sighed, my eyes became watery as I continued; "There's nothing I can do to save Yonsan."

Shortly, the cloudy sky became darker and heavy rain started showering. The cherry tree leaves flew through the air while the wind blew.

I fell onto my knees and gazed upon the cloudy dark sky while it intensely rained down on me.

"Karu, we will find him. I promise." Bomyu offered his hand to me, helping me to get up.

"You promised?" Seanyung stared at him without blinking.

Bomyu nodded, his mouth closed.

"Bomyu, you made a promise!" Paikek was also surprised as his jaw slowly slackened.

"I don't understand. Why are you two so surprised about that?" I questioned, as I wiped off my tears.

"Because he made a promise. A magical promise." Paikek stated while he opened his yellow umbrella as the rain showered down on us.

"A magical promise?" I asked while four of us got under the umbrella. It began raining even faster as we started walking home.

"It means you have to keep it until the next full moon." Paikek explained.

"Yeah." Bomyu verified in low voice, while we passed across the crosswalk where the green lights were on.

"What happens if you can't do it?" I wondered, worriedly.

Nobody answered my question, we walked in the heavy rain until we reached our apartment.

Seanyung inserted the iron key and unlocked the front door. We took off our shoes before we got in because they were all wet and had mud on them. I took off my jacket, hanged it to the hangers on the backside of the door, then I put the star book onto the table.

Four of us laid on the couch, silently, listening to the patter of the rain which was getting faster by time. Also, the sky outside was completely dark already as the night arrived.

Two stars in the sky were barely visible through our white coloured windowpane.

Paikek went to the small kitchen next to the living room. He put some water inside the kettle and turned it on. He waited until water vapour came from the kettle, and he poured the boiling water into four separate cups. Each one of them was in a different colour; blue, green, yellow and purple.

Then, he put the teabags inside the cups. The smell of the British tea refreshed the air inside the room, it was calming and relaxing at the same time.

Paikek gave the cups of teas to Seanyung, Bomyu and me. I inhaled the profoundly calming smell of the tea as I took a sip from it.

"This is so good." Bomyu blinked as he drank the tea slowly as it was hot.

"Thanks." Paikek grinned while closing his eyes.

We stayed silent and drank our teas serenely for a couple of minutes, hearing the patters of the rain coming from outside.

"I think..." When I started speaking, Bomyu, Paikek and Seanyung turned their eyes to me.

"I think we should make a promise together. Bomyu is brave. We should be brave too. Because Yonsan is a friend of all of us." I advised in a slightly shaking voice.

"Right! I agree." Paikek flashed his teeth heartwarmingly.

"Let's do it, boy!" Seanyung agreed as well.

Therefore, we got closer and put our hands together. At that moment, I glanced at each of my friend's eyes. All of them were smiling, so I did as well.

"We promise to find Yonsan!" I promised for four of us, closing my eyes, while our hands were together. It was a substantial risk we were taking, but we were in this together to find Yonsan.

"Thanks, guys, you never leave me alone." Bomyu spoke quietly as he laid back over the blue couch.

"Never risk it alone. We are here for you Bomyu. That's what friends are for." I reassured, putting my arm around his shoulders, as I laid beside him.

Bomyu looked at me, making eye contact, and teardrops fell from his eyes across his cheek. He sniffed slowly as the tears moved down over his face.

"I... I sometimes feel so sad." Bomyu wept, closing his eyes, he put his head on my chest.

"It's going to be okay. Don't worry." I comforted him, patting his soft dark-brown hair as I consoled; "We all have those ups and downs. It's okay to be sad sometimes. And, even it takes weeks to find a way to live. But it will be okay. Everyone becomes sad as well, sometimes the meaning of happiness that you defined for yourself may change. Because, happiness can not be defined by one single thing, moment or a person. You can learn to be okay at the worst times, and you can always tell yourself that the meaning for happiness will change, depending on what stage of life you are in. Life is not fun when you seek for happiness, it is fun when you see happiness in what you already have. Also, if there weren't all the bad things around you, you wouldn't know how to pull through."

Seanyung and Paikek listened, even though they avoided making eye contact, they nodded. Beside them, Bomyu was gazing at me with tears on his face.

"Thank you, Karu! You are the best." Bomyu spoke quietly, his mouth curled up a little.

"You're welcome, my friend." I gave him a hug as I shed a tear. But, I wiped it off to hide it.

"So, how do we make the star book work now?" Seanyung took a deep breath when he put in. He picked up the green book from the table, scanning its pages.

"We'll use magic, of course! But we need to find the right spell!" Paikek effused.

"How do we know the right spell?" Seanyung questioned.

"Right! I have my ways." Paikek winked as he picked up a pen and paper from the wooden table in front of the couch, and he started drawing a star.

"What do you have in your mind?" I asked as the figure he was drawing was familiar like it was something I recalled from the past.

"A star!" Paikek broadly smiled, looking sure of what he was doing. That's what I like about Paikek, he was always positive and never failed to make me smile.

"Guys, we have a problem." Seanyung interjected, suddenly. He was looking concerned.

"What's the problem Seanyung?" I puzzled.

"The next..." He hesitated, sighed, then continued to speak;

"The next full moon is tomorrow night!"

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