TOGETHER: Part ∞ + 6

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It was still dark, we ran out of the mysterious forest. Looking through the trees, it seemed like there was a road behind two burnt willow trees.

I ran towards the road which was passing within the forest, while Seanyung, Paikek and Bomyu followed me.

"The wind isn't strong anymore!" I commented and looked up the darkest night sky I had ever seen.

We stopped on the left side of the empty road surrounded by trees and waited for someone to come. It was our only chance as there was no signal and there was nothing to take us back to the city. The weather was calm and relaxing, but I felt lonely even though I had my friends with me.

"There were four stars a while ago." Bomyu gazed upon the sky, pointing his hand to the remaining stars.

"Where is the other one?" Paikek noticed the missing star as there were three of them shining.

"It disappeared." Bomyu kept seeking for it.

"Yeah, it was so pretty." Paikek's lower lip extended over his upper lip, and he unzipped his backpack, bringing out a blue dolphin plushy. He cuddled the stuffed animal tightly. It wasn't surprising to me that Paikek was carrying his plushies with him everywhere he went. After all, he had a collection of them.

On the other hand, Seanyung watched those three little stars in the night with his eyes wide.

"Wow, this is art." He amazed with his eyes glimmering.

"It's gorgeous." Bomyu marvelled and took pictures of the stars with his phone.

The sky was so clear in that memorable moment. We didn't get tired of watching the stars for many and many hours.

"We might never get a chance to see this again." I realised the sad truth because I felt that one day the three remaining stars might eventually die. I wished I knew why I felt this way.

We watched the magnificent night sky for hours. And later, the sun rose over the mysterious forest as the intense sunlight filtered through the trees.

It was one of the most beautiful sunrises I ever saw.

Unexpectedly, we started hearing the noise of an engine coming from the end of the road. An orange taxi car slowly approached to where we waited.

I jumped in front of the car, causing it to stop.

The brown-haired taxi driver opened the back door and let us in. When Paikek, Bomyu and Seanyung sat on the back seat, there left no space for me there. Therefore I sat on the passenger seat next to the driver.

We asked the driver to take us to the Kawaakari city, and she nodded like she was okay with it.

The summer breeze blew through the slightly open window of the taxi as it speeded along the road through the forest. I looked out noticing the skyscrapers close to us, we were almost there.

We entered the Kawaakari city through the famous bridge which was passing over the deep river. It was early in the morning so it wasn't possible to see many people on the streets.

"Hey Karu, do you remember? We made a lot of memories around here?" Paikek recited when we reached a street a few miles after we entered the city. There were not many tall buildings around the street; it was calm and beautiful.

"Yeah, we did!" I remembered that it was the street that Paikek, Seanyung, Bomyu and I used to play Kurokami-Sama when we were little kids.

"It's gonna be awesome if we visit the magic academy there." Paikek suggested.

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