TOGETHER: Part ∞ + 10

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It was already late at night, and we were at the Komorebi cafe, which was a small place with mirrors on its walls. Besides having four windows, it had an exit door where I could hear the patters of the soul-stirring rain.

The walls of the cafe were white and there were white fluorescent lamps on the ceiling. It wasn't too packed with tables and seats. Besides, there were no other customers there.

I looked around the cafe as a song of Sonya Soundstrong played in the background. Nobody else was at the cafe, it was only four of us, sitting around a table with a flower pot on it.

Bomyu was holding his phone camera to different parts of the room, and he was staring into the screen like he was filming the Komorebi cafe. Then, he turned the camera to me, and a grin appeared on his face. I smiled back at the camera.

Beside Bomyu, Seanyung was sitting, with his phone in his hands and black headphones on his head. He looked like he was listening to some other music apart from the one that was played in the background. Seanyung turned his face to me when he noticed that I was starting at him.

On the left side of me, Paikek was taking a sip from a cup of coffee he got from the cafe. He was smiling broadly, as he enjoyed his coffee which was in a blue cup. The smell of the cocoa brown coffee reached my nose, making me feel more awake and alarmed.

At the same time, Bomyu continued to film me while he was strangely grinning. I tried to not look at his phone camera directly.

Anyways, I was happy as the Komorebi cafe was our favourite place to hang out, and it was great to meet there once again.

When I turned my face away from Bomyu's phone, I noticed that a window was open, and it felt like someone was watching me from outside. Therefore, I hurriedly got up to close the window.

The window was cold when I put my hand on it. And then, I slowly closed it, leaving my fingerprint marks on the window.

Once again, I looked around, and there was nobody in the Komorebi cafe but me and my friends; the cafe was closed because it was midnight. But we were still there.

I couldn't even remember when the staff left the cafe. And, it felt very strange that we were the only ones stayed.

One of the windows got shut, getting my attention immediately as I turned my back and noticed that the white door on the other side of the Komorebi cafe had some kind of fog on it. As if someone outside was breathing on the window of the door.

Unexpectedly, an unusual shadow-like figure moved intensely fast outside the window.

I wondered what it was so I slowly stepped towards the door, which was slightly open. My every step was unhurried and cautious as I was frightened.

Subsequently, I pulled the door handle, opening the white door. There was a dark empty hallway behind it, and it was cold, cold enough to make me shiver.

For the next few seconds, I kept my eye on the gate on the other end of the dark hallway. The light bulb was slowly twinkling a little light, making the corridor dim.

Instantly, the door on the other end of the corridor turned on and off in a flash, even though nobody was doing it. My eyes widened, and my legs began shaking as I kept on thinking how the gate got opened.

I felt like there was somebody behind it. But, I was too scared of checking it.

It was scary and cold, so I turned my back and stepped next to my friends, noticing that there were no chair, tables, and any other furniture inside the cafe. They were all gone and my friends were standing in the middle of it.

All of a sudden, a loud alarm went off, and the lights of the Komorebi cafe started flashing continuously when the building began to tremble magnificently. And, it became difficult to stand still while it was shaking.

Seanyung's pupils dilated as he stood up and looked around cautiously. Bomyu put his phone down, and he was shouting, trying to say something but the sound of the alarm was deafening so I couldn't hear what any my friends were saying.

On the other hand, Paikek covered his ears by his hands to block the noise. It seemed like the alarm sound was hurting him.

Besides the siren noise, strange screeches and roars became audible and louder as the milliseconds passed. Likewise, a train noise went louder as well as the other extraordinary noises.

At that time, I started to have weird visions again, like the ones I saw on the window of the subway train. But this time, those five different figures didn't appear on the glass, I saw them when I looked at my friends while the lights kept flashing.

The figure appeared on Seanyung had purple hair, and he had a long purple tail. The vision on Bomyu had grey spikes on his back, and the figure I saw on Paikek had black wings that a dark black liquid was leaking from them.

The fourth one appeared on the mirror right in from of me and was me with blue hair and giant cat ears. I couldn't identify it well as the flashing lights and the siren noises kept getting louder.

Despite all, the last figure looked like our lost friend Yonsan, which had horns on his head and had yellow hair.

At the moment when the figures disappeared, I heard Yonsan's voice in my mind whispering in pain: "I can't breath. I must break out!"

"Are we really gonna turn out like this in the end?" I shouted as loud as I can to make sure that Bomyu, Seanyung and Paikek heard me.

However, they seemed like they didn't, so I ran to the door with the blurry window and watched the lights flashing on the hallway. The siren went louder, causing a beeping sound in my ears. It hurt so much.

Once I opened the door, everything went black.

The blank black emptiness was in front of my eyes as the screeching siren sounds stopped. It became silent. Nobody was around me anymore except darkness.

I started to see a blurry vision of Christmas lights in a carnival. People were talking with each other and it was extremely crowded. While I was walking through, the vision got more blurry, and the noises got disturbed.

Even though the night was dark, the blurry lights of the crowd surrounded me.

The lights were circling all around me when I stood in the middle of the faded crowd. Everyone was shopping and chatting with each other in the strange carnival. Nobody seemed sad. It was a mysterious place on a magical day.

When I took one more step, everything went dark again and instantly I found myself in the middle of a football field where there were magic cards on the grass.

The football field seemed infinitely large as there was complete darkness on its horizons.

I stepped onto a magic card which made a magical circle around me; yellow star-shaped lines were in the circle, just like the one Paikek drew around the school two years ago.

Subsequently, I began hearing a woman's voice coming from the dark, which was singing a song. It was the slowest song I had ever heard.

I fell down on my knees when the voice sang the lines: "You will fail... when you try to achieve... your goals without practising. It will make you think you're worthless."

Tears slowly began flooding in my eyes as the tone of her voice got softer like the air. But it was raw; that's why it was profoundly beautiful.

The girl who was singing the melody soon appeared in front of me; she looked semi-transparent, white. She was a ghost with purple hair and a white dress. Her appearance was transparent in the engulfing darkness of the night.

She looked in my eyes and hugged me as she wiped off my tears. She couldn't touch me, but she had something different. I felt that when she hugged me.

"Save me!" Her tears rained from her eyes which were like pearls made from the pieces of a shattered unfamiliar world.

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