FOREVER: Part ∞ + 9

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"Is it still coming?" I was deeply panting while I was running with my friends in the school corridor away from something which was chasing us; all I knew about it was that it had big shining green eyes.

"Yes, It's still coming!" Yonsan shrieked.

Shortly we reached the end of the corridor where there was a two-sided door.

"This is the swimming pool room." Bomyu recognised and then looked back to confirm that the monster was still coming.

"We should go inside now!" I urged as soon as I saw the panda-shaped shadow of the monster with green eyes.

Bomyu and Yonsan pushed the left and right sides of the door respectively, leaving it open. Subsequently, all five of us got inside the room. The swimming pool was huge, and the lucid blue colours of the water were reflecting on us in the dim light.

"Close the doors!" Bomyu rushed to the doors and pushed them with his both hands. Seanyung also hurried next to him and helped him to push the doors.

There was no exit from the room except the one Bomyu and Seanyung was holding closed.

"Does anyone know how can a monster know where we are?" Yonsan puzzled.

"It's the Karuma Panda. Mrs Kimiko used to tell me stories about it when I was a little kid." Paikek explained as he came beside Bomyu to help him to block the door.

"Do you know anything else about it?" I questioned. However, I wasn't expecting a straightforward answer, because even though Paikek was the most talented in magic among the five of us, he wasn't the most knowledgeable one.

"I heard that it is cute." Paikek nervously grinned.

"I can't hold it anymore!" Bomyu sighed in a shivering voice while pushing the door.

Suddenly, the door got opened as Bomyu, Paikek and Seanyung got thrown away from it. However, Yonsan and I were stationarily standing in front of it, as a mighty wind blew inside the room.

Even though the wind pushed me back, I put my hands on the ground and gazed at the green eyes of the monster which seemed like a giant panda-shaped shadow.

Yonsan made eye contact with me then looked front while he jumped on the Karuma Panda.

The storm inside the room circled around the monster, which instantly threw Yonsan away from it. Without losing any time, I rushed towards Yonsan and caught him before he knocked onto the ground.

Then, the Karuma Panda blended with the wind turning itself a black wave which surrounded us. Its green eyes were clearly visible through the wind surges.

"Let's dive into the pool!" Paikek suggested loudly as the Karuma Panda storm was making a disturbance noise.

Accordingly, Paikek dived into the pool, and Bomyu, Yonsan, Seanyung and I hopped in after him. The pool was a lot deeper than I thought as my feet were far away from the bottom.

From the time we got in the water, the storm started to flow around the pool, engulfing everything outside it.

"I can't think properly in the water." Bomyu shook his head, and water drops splashed from his hair.

"I have an idea. Seanyung you should help me to get closer to the panda." Paikek suggested.

Seanyung nodded as he took off his silver necklace and held it up, causing Paikek to fly up outside the water. Paikek's hair was soaking wet as he put his hands together straightly towards the Karuma Panda. Seanyung and Paikek were both looked like they were pretty sure about what they were doing.

"Take this you monster!" Paikek shouted and rapidly moved his hands towards his face without changing the position of his elbows, creating a whirl of water around his arms which splashed onto the Karuma Panda, splitting it into pieces.

"I think we did it." Seanyung grinned and put his necklace down as Paikek landed to the floor.

"Of course, I am the greatest magician." Paikek cheered, and he helped me to get out of the pool by my hand.

"Guys, be careful!" I remarked when I saw the monster's pieces gathering behind Paikek. The pieces formed the green-eyed panda again, and it jumped on us.

Accordingly, Paikek and I fell back into the pool. However, the monster kept moving onto us.

Immediately, Seanyung threw his bag to Yonsan.

"What is this?" Yonsan's eyes widened when he found the green book which had a star figure on it in the backpack.

"You know how to use it, right?" Seanyung asked Yonsan while he swam next to us.

Yonsan shut his eyes put his hand on the book, and a small cloud of smoke started to rise from the empty pages. It was one of the most complicated magic spells ever done.

Eventually, Yonsan opened his eyes and flames started to arise from the book's pages. And, he directed the fire onto the Karuma Panda. The shadow of the panda began to get disturbed by the fire of Yonsan.

"Why can't we leave the monster alive?" Paikek lifted his eyebrows as he watched the Karuma Panda suffering.

"What do you mean?" Yonsan puzzled.

Paikek bounced next to Yonsan: "We don't kill the monsters. We let them survive."

"You're right Paipai." Yonsan threw the green book into the pool.

"Let's go before it wakes up!" Bomyu urged.

All of a sudden, I noticed a tunnel on the wall, which had a mysterious entrance covered with magical stones and elderly roots.

"This is interesting. Let's go in!" I suggested, and I began entering the tunnel. Then, the other boys followed me.

As we reached the tunnel's end, we entered into a jungle, covered with magical mushrooms and vines. In the place, some trees had purple leaves and some had dark green. Yonsan turned his phone's flashlight to see better the fireflies around us.

Bomyu and Yonsan pushed the vines away from the path, which led us to a small hill. The hill was a magical place where all the stars in the night sky could be seen.

However, the most significant feature of the hill was that there was a giant white door in the middle of it.

Seanyung stepped closer to the door with his lips open, while Yonsan, Bomyu and Paikek were marvelled by its height.

While my friends were viewing the door, I heard a beeping noise in my ears.

"Let's go in!" Yonsan wondered what's inside so he opened the door. Once the door got open, flashing red and blue lights started coming out from the door.

Yonsan ran inside without hesitation.

When Seanyung attempted to go inside the door, the Karuma Panda appeared in front of him, blocking the door.

My heartbeat rushed at that moment as I was frightened by the monster.

"It's back again!" Paikek hid behind me.

"Don't be scared!" I took a deep breath and put my hand towards the Karuma Panda.

Unexpectedly, Karuma Panda turned its back and ran into the giant magical door. Eventually, the monster got disappeared in the door.

"I can't go inside. It's dangerous!" Bomyu didn't want to go in as the monster was inside. But, Yonsan was inside too.

Bomyu, Seanyung, Paikek, and I sat onto the grass and waited for Yonsan to come outside. However, I again heard a beeping in my ears which made my vision blurry.

After a few seconds, when I got my eyesight back, I saw that the door was burning. The flames burning the magical door were reaching up to the night sky as we watched it burn.

The shades of fire reflected in our eyes.

~~~~~~~~~End Of The Flashback~~~~~~~~~

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