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Death of a King

     The news that Catelyn Stark had taken Lord Tyrion Lannister hostage had just arrived at Winterfell, and yet everyone in the north seemed to know this information now

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     The news that Catelyn Stark had taken Lord Tyrion Lannister hostage had just arrived at Winterfell, and yet everyone in the north seemed to know this information now. Robb was running aimlessly not knowing what to do, and this time no one had any advice that would really help him.

     "What has gotten into her?" Robb asked no one in particular.

     At this point Maester Luwin had just walked into the room with a piece of parchment in his hand.

     "News from King's Landing my Lord" the old man said.

"What is it?" Robb asked.

     "Jaime Lannister attacked your father and his man. Your father's leg was wounded but all of his men were killed" Maester Luwin said with sorrow in his eyes.

     "What?" Now it was Rhaella's turn to get up abruptly in shock.

     "Damn Lannisters" Theon said, angrily.

     Maester Luwin explained to the three the events that had taken place the day before at King's Landing and how Jaime Lannister had run away to Casterly Rock right after attacking Ned Stark.

     "What are we going to do?" Said Rhaella.

     "War" was the only thing Theon said.

     "We can't go to war with the Lannisters, the king is married to one" Rhaella said.

     "But we hold the north!" Theon said getting up.

     "Stop," Robb said to both, "we need to think first and then act."

     At this moment Bran and Hodor walked inside and everyone went silent.

     "Robb, my new saddle is ready, I want to ride" the boy said.

     "Alright, me and Theon will go with you" Robb said getting up again. The, now, Lord of Winterfell looked at Rhaella and said "are you coming?"

     The girl shook her head "no, I will just stay here today" Robb just nodded and him, Theon and Bran went outside.

     "I think there is a war coming, Maester Luwin" Rhaella said, staring at the door where Bran has just left.

"I know my dear" and that was the only thing the maester said.

     "You know Maester, sometimes I wish Robert had recognized me when he was in Winterfell" the girl told him.

     "He would have killed you Rhaella" Maester Luwin said, looking worriedly at the girl.

     She turned to him and said "I don't care, at least I would have had the chance to say all the things I want to say and make people listen to me. I would have Robert burn me, but before that I would tell the people and all the noble lords the truth, about how unfair this is" at this point Maester Luwin looked at the girl confused. "I know what my father was, and I know he deserved to die, but Robert didn't start a rebellion because of what my father did and who my father burned, he started it because Rhaegar supposedly kidnaped the woman he loved, and he didn't care how many people died to get his revenge. My father deserved to die, and even Rhaegar if he really kidnapped Lyanna Stark, but Rhaenys and Aegon didn't deserve to die like that, neither die Elia, Daenerys and Viserys didn't deserve to have to run for their lives their entire life, I didn't deserve to have to hide who I am all my life, to have to hide in the north, and all this happened because Robert couldn't get what he wanted, not because my father was mad and burning people. And the sad part is it wasn't even worth it, yes Robert is better than my father, but he is not a good king either, those people don't even know what a good king is" when Rhaella finished Maester Luwin had a bewildered look on his face.

     "You are right my dear, the people have yet to know a good king" Maester Luwin told her, smiling. The old man was proud of her, Rhaella was the brightest girl he knew, and he was proud to have had a small part in her teachings.

     "Maybe they need a queen," Rhaella stated, lost in her thoughts.

     Rhaella spent the next couple of hours helping Maester Luwin in the library, and she also collected a couple of books, which she would read to the children later. Rhaella could be cold and even cruel sometimes, but she enjoyed taking books from the castle's library and reading to the very poor children that lived in the towns around the castle, and she would teach them how to read. Rhaella thought it was an atrocity that most of the children, if not all of them, that weren't children of high lords and ladies were never taught how to read, and she hoped that when Viserys was king, if he was ever king, that would change, and the commun people would know the joy of great books and stories.


     "A-A Aegon" the boy said.

     "Yes" Rhaella cheered the little boy she was teaching, his name was Henry. "Aegon The Conqueror" she told him, they were reading the book about Aegon's conquest of the Seven Kingdoms.

     The girl was going to continue when she was interrupted by a soldier running towards her, "Rhae, they need you in the castle, something happened" with that the girl bid her goodbyes to the boy and ran to the castle.

     When she arrived she walked inside, first she saw some of the healers tending to a wound Bran had on his leg, then she saw Robb and Theon with a very dirty woman.

     "What happened?" the girl asked, rushing towards Bran.

     "We were attacked by a bunch of wildlings," Theon said and shoved the woman down.

     "Are you alright?" She asked the three boys, and all of them nodded.

     The woman was taken away and Bran's wound was taken care of, then Theon went to do something else, and just Rhaella and Robb were left in the room.

     Robb and Rhaella just sat there, in each other's company, until it was time for supper, then they ate, always in silence, Robb thinking about what Theon told him in the forest, and Rhaella thinking about what she said to Maester Luwin, a queen. And after supper they went to their rooms, to think a bit more and sleep.


The Stallion Who Mounts the Word

Rhaella heard the chanting from afar, it was a different language, Dothroki, she recognized and could understand it, even though she knew she couldn't speak it. Before she could think about it any longer she heard a loud roar, just like in her other dream, but on this one she couldn't see the dragon she looked up, but only saw its shadow on cloud, but she could barely see anything, everything was dark and there was smoke all around her.

The chanting got louder and now she saw her sister in the middle of the room surrounded by smoke, Daenerys had blood smeared all over her face and hands, but she looked proud of herself. A man walked to Dany and picked her up, he too looked proud, Khal Drogo, Rhaella thought. The girl heard another roar and she looked up to try to see the dragon, but she couldn't see it yet, only it's shadow.

When the girl turned back to where her sister was, but now she could see Viserys, he looked mad, she would have guessed that is how her father looked when he burned people. She couldn't hear him, but she could tell he was screaming, she could see him grabbing someone's arm but she couldn't see that person, she guessed it was her sister's.

The smoke consumed the scene and all of a sudden Rhaella could feel the dragon's presence behind her, but she still couldn't see him, before she could look harder she heard her brother's screams, and she turned to where the screams came from. The girl saw her brother on the floor screaming, begging even, and then she saw the man she thought was Khal Drogo standing over Viserys with a cauldron over him. Then Drogo moved his hands and dumped the contents of the cauldron in Viserys, and that was when Rhaella found out what was inside of it, melted gold. Rhaella saw as the melted gold fell from the caldron and hit her brother in the head and how he melted with it, it was a gruesome sight, but the dragon's roar behind her comforted her as it happened. Viserys called himself the last dragon, yet the dragon was alive and burning behind her, and Viserys was dead.

Author's note:

I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far, I'm trying to leave clues about what will happen in the story, not only mine but in the Game of Thrones storyline. Also, no, Rhaella does not want to be queen.

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