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The beasts that brought the whole world to heel

The beasts that brought the whole world to heel

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King's Landing

"Tell me about the Targaryen girls in the east and their dragons," King Joffrey asked his grandfather.

"Where did you hear about this?" The king's grandfather asked almost in a warning tone.

"Is it true?" The Kings asked.

"Apparently so," his grandfather told him, as if that was a small matter.

"Don't you think we ought to do something about it?" Joffrey asked as if it was obvious.

"When I was Hand of the King under your father's predecessor, the skulls of all the Targaryen dragons were kept in this room," the Hand of the King said gesturing to the room. "The skull of the last of them was right here," and he pointed to a spot right next to the Iron Throne. "It was the size of an apple," he told Joffrey.

"And the biggest was the size of a carriage," Joffrey said, with a worried tone in his voice.

"Yes, and the creature to whom it belonged died years ago. Curiosities on the far side of the world are no threat to us," Tywin Lannister said, wanting to end that subject.

"But how do we know these dragons are just curiosities and not the beasts that brought the whole world to heel?" The blonde king said, sounding more worried by the minute.

"Because we have been told as much by the many experts who serve the realm by counselling the King on matters about which he knows nothing," Tywin Lannister said, raising his voice.

"But I haven't been counseled," Joffrey said loudly.

"You are being counseled at this very moment," Lord Tywin affirmed

"I should be consulted about such things," Joffrey explained.

"From now on, I will see to it that you are appropriately consulted on important matters," the older man said, "whenever necessary," he added. He started to walk away and then he turned around slightly and said, "your Grace," and bowed his head down.

"I have met her," Joffrey said loudly, making his grandfather stop on his tracks. "The one they call Rhaella, the one they said was living in the North," he added.

"Congratulations, you have met a Targaryen, they are quite rare these days," his grandfather said, not turning around and walking away.

Even after his grandfather left King Joffrey kept thinking about the Targaryen sisters and their dragons. The young King loved being right, but at this time he hoped he wasn't.


Outside Yunkai

It was early in the morning and Dany, Rhaella and their advisors walked closer to Yunkai, to a high point to where they could see almost the whole city. Dany had her hair in Dothraki braids, while Rhaella had her hair down and wild as always, and the two were in their usual blue and red clothing.

"Yunkai. The Yellow City," Ser Jorah said.

"The Yunkish train bed slaves, not soldiers. We can defeat them," Ser Barristan told the Targaryens girl.

"On the field, with ease," Ser Jorah agreed. "But they won't meet us on the field. They have provisions, patience, and strong walls. If they're wise, they'll hide behind those walls and chip away at us, man by man," the Bear told his Khaleesi.

"I don't want half my army killed before I've crossed the Narrow Sea," Daenerys said.

"We don't need Yunkai, Khaleesi. Taking this city will not bring you any closer to Westeros or the Iron Throne," Ser Jorah pleaded with his Khaleesi.

"How many slaves are there in Yunkai?" Rhaella spoke for the first time, asking Ser Jorah.

"200,000 if not more," he told the Princess.

"Then we have 200,000 reasons to take the city," Daenerys told Ser Jorah.

Rhaella turned to Grey Worm, who was standing behind Ser Jorah, "send a man to the city gates. Tell the slavers we will receive them here, and accept their surrender. Otherwise, Yunkai will suffer the same fate as Astapor," she told the soldier, who nodded at her command.

Daenerys smiled when she heard her sister, she was glad her sister was getting involved and didn't feel the need of telling her every idea she had. Dany never wanted her sister to feel like she was less than her, or to feel like she wasn't important because she wasn't the queen. She never wanted to make her sister feel like how Viserys made her feel.

The two sisters started walking back to their camp, more specifically to Dany's tent, they were to get ready to receive the slavers of Yunkai. Grey Worm had just sent his man to the gates of the city, so Rhaella knew it would take a couple of hours for one of the slavers to go to them.

The two sisters bathed, Rhaella enjoyed the heat but hated to be sweaty, and Dany said they had to look their best, to show the slave masters that they weren't just anyone. Dany let her sister bath first, rushing her, knowing that her younger sister usually took a long time in her bath. When Dany was done with her bath she returned to her tent, where she found her sister petting Viserion and Missandei laying dresses on her bed.

"I chose your best dresses for you and your sister, Khaleesi," Missandei informed her Queen.

"Take one of Rhaella's dresses for you, if you would like," Dany offered. The young Khaleesi was the smallest of the three girls, so she knew her dress would not fit Missandei.

Missandei, who looked in awe, shook her head and said, "I could never, Khaleesi, I'm not worthy of them."

"Of course you are," Rhaella entered the conversation. "The only clothes you have are the ones you had when you were a slave, and if you do not feel comfortable in them anymore you are more then welcome to wear my dresses," the young Princess told the dark skinned girl. Missandei gave her a shy smile and went to help Daenerys into her dress.

Their short conversation about dresses made Rhaella feel good, because it allowed her, even if for just a moment, to feel like she was just a girl talking about dresses with a friend, without another care in the world.

Missandei tied a few strands of Daenerys' hair and let the rest of it down, and the young Queen changed into a soft white dress tied by a metal necklace and with a metal belt. Rhaella looked at her sister, wishing she would feel more comfortable in dresses.

The youngest Targaryen hated dresses, she liked how she looked in them, but she hated that she was expected to be a certain way to use them, or that she couldn't run easily, if she needed to, and yet she wore a dress that day. Unlike her sister Rhaella liked dark colors, she preferred to wear the colors of her house, but if she couldn't, she would stick to the dark colors. So Rhaella chose a dark blue dress, it was silk, Rhaella's favorite material, it was a rather loose dress, with thin straps holding the dress up and a golden string around the girl's waist. The girl chose some sandals instead of her usual boots, and she let her hair down and wild, as always.

The girl was finishing putting some silver clips on her hair, a gift from one of the Dothraki women in Dany's very small Khalasar, when she heard drums and the Unsullied using their shields to salute, indicating one of the slavers was on his way.

Daenerys turned to her sister and to Missandei, smirking, "shall we?"

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