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     In Winterfell, whenever Rhaella Tragaryen had nightmares she would crawl into Robb or Theon's bed in the middle of the night, the presence of one of her friends would instantly make her feel better

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     In Winterfell, whenever Rhaella Tragaryen had nightmares she would crawl into Robb or Theon's bed in the middle of the night, the presence of one of her friends would instantly make her feel better. Now, in Yunkai, all she wanted to do was to crawl into Dany's bed and cry herself to sleep, but she couldn't, she knew she had to be strong, for Dany, and for the people they were helping. So laid in her bed awake, alone with her ghosts, hoping one day she didn't feel so broken like she did at that moment.

     Rhaella felt like she was living a nightmare, after her sister left, against her will, the princess laid in bed vividly reliving Robb's death, and when she did manage to fall asleep she saw Theon being cut into pieces again, so the girl spent the night going between her friend's death and the other being tortured.

     The next day, all of Daenerys' advisors and captains already knew what had happened to the young King in the North, and each one of them worried for the youngest Targaryen's well being, knowing how close she was with the Stark boy. But they did not expect the girl to come out of her tent looking well, as well as expected seeing the events that took place the night before, but she did have noticeable bags under her eyes, and her violet eyes also looked smaller, from all the tears she shed the night before. The girl was dressed in a low cut black tunic, black pants and her usual boots, her hair tamed, but still down.

     "Rhaella..." Dany started, when she saw her sister walking into the tent. She met Daenerys and her advisors, they were leaving for the gates of Yunkai soon, and Rhaella did not want to miss it. "You should stay," Dany said.

     "I am alright, and I will not miss this," the girl assured her sister.

     "We don't even know if the people of Yunkai will come," Dany said, unsure.

     "They will," Rhaella assured her sister, ignoring the stares she was getting from the knights and the other people in the room.

     Daenerys, Rhaella, Missandei, Ser Barristan, Ser Jorah, Grey Worm, Akharo, and Daario Naharis all marched with the Unsullied to the gates of Yunkai, with the Second Sons and the Dothraki, and the six dragons flying with them. Dany, Rhaella, and Missandei stood on top of a tall rock in front of the gates of the city, Rhaella on her sister's left side, Ser Jorah in front of the girl but on a lower part of the rock, Akharo on Rhaella's left side, also on a lower part of the rock, and the dragons on the lowest part of the rock, in front of all of them, but behind the Unsullied.

     While the others stared at the gate, waiting for the people they helped, the Targaryen princess couldn't help but look at the dragons. They were growing fast, and Rhaella could not wait until they were big enough to ride.

     The youngest Targaryen could tell her sister was nervous, she was afraid the people of Yunkai would not come, but Rhaella knew they would come.

     "They will come, Your Grace. When they're ready," Ser Barristan reassured his Queen.

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