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     Bodies covered what once was the battlefield in Winterfell, the bodies of the men and women that had fallen in the fight against the dead

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     Bodies covered what once was the battlefield in Winterfell, the bodies of the men and women that had fallen in the fight against the dead. Their bodies were placed in long pyres, there would be no more burying the dead after what they had seen the day before. Ser Jorah, who had fallen just after he as sure the battle was over and his Queen was safe, was placed in between Dothraki and Unsullied, a place of honor, as he deserved; Theon, was among the northerners soldiers, where they knew he would want to be; and Rhaella Targaryen's body rested beyond the Godswood, where their dragons had been staying since they arrived in the north. Daenerys insisted her sister had a burial of a Targaryen princess, so the Unsullied and Dothraki, who still mourned their beloved princess, built her a pyre made for the gods.

     After the burning of the bodies, the Queen who was already in tears after saying goodbye to Ser Jorah, and some of the Unsullied and Dothraki, walked to the Godswood. The Dothraki and Unsullied followed their Queen, and behind them were Missandei, Ser Jaime, Jon Snow, Sansa, Arya, Ser Davos, Gendry, Lady Brienne, Melissandre, and some men of the Night's Watch, all wanting to pay their respects to the princess.

     Dany had both Aemax and Jaehaeron on her shoulders, and Missandei, who was right behind her, had the other two dragon eggs on her hands. Once they arrived where the pyre was built in the Godswood, the Queen already had tears in her eyes, and while she walked to place the two eggs on top of the pyre with her sister's body, the Westerosi shook in fear. The five Targaryen dragons sat around the pyre, and while the Unsullied and Dothraki all stopped around the pyre, the Westerosi were still terrified of the beasts.

     As Daenerys placed the eggs on top of the pyre she couldn't help but think of when she burned Drogo, only death can pay for life, she thought, the Queen gave her sister one last kiss on her forehead before walking to stand by Jon's side.

     The Khaleesi took a deep breath as tears rolled down her eyes. "Dracarys," she spoke, and she heard her dragon's roars of sorrow before Rhaegon spit fire on the pyre, and while the Queen cried she could hear Missandei prying in High Valyrian beside her.

     The Red Woman approached Daenerys, bowing her head, getting Jon Snow's attention, "my Queen, I have served my purpose in this life. I'm drained after the battle last night. And it would be an honour to go with a dragon. May I?" She gestured to the pyre.

     It took the Queen a moment to understand what she meant, "are you sure?"

     "I have served my purpose in this world, now I need to be reunited with my Lord," Melisandre told her Khaleesi.

     "I wish you luck," Dany said, and the Red Woman bowed once again, before starting to walk to the pyre.

     "Where is she going?" Jon asked, but Dany did not respond.

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