accident three: breakfast

Start from the beginning

"No it won't!" Exclaimed Taehyung. "You can't possibly think something as silly as tha-" Jimin shot him a look "Sorry not silly, something as simple as a kiss by accident would ruin our dynamic, you have got to be kidding me!" Taehyung was getting frustrated already. Jimin was being unreasonable; jumping to conclusions, when literally he could just walk out of the room, say he was just embarrassed and act as if nothing had happened.

But that was Jimin, he overreacted over the simplest things. Taehyung sighed.

"Tae." Jimin whined covering his face with his tiny chubby hands "Jungkook probably hated it right? He must be feeling so grossed out. Oh my god. I can't believe that just happened! What the fuck am I gonna do, Tae?! I can't lose the only thing I have with Jungkook! Our friendship is ruined now right?! What do I do!" Jimin rambled, all in one big breath, a short example of how he was freaking out ever since that accident happened, and Taehyung hadn't been able to calm the short blonde down.

"Nothing. You're gonna do nothing. It's totally normal to be embarrassed about something like that. I would be embarrassed too of course, so we're just gonna focus on that. Just forget the part about Jungkook being your secret crush, and focus on the fact that you accidentally kissed your friend, and how it's gonna be something to think about and cringe at for the rest of your life. Now! How does that sound!" Taehyung exclaimed getting excited about finding a logical solution to the whole situation.

"So I should pretend to be embarrassed and ashamed and probably grossed out too? No Tae I'm not, so I'm not gonna act that way. I actually liked the kiss why would I act grossed out from something I liked doing?" Jimin's intuition told him not to do that, and just to admit his feelings for the younger. Even if he got rejected, at least it would get him closure, and he would try to move on. That's much better than crushing on someone in secret for years and years. Yeah. That sounds about right. Jimin told himself.

"Jimin-ah I don't think you can do anything other than that, without risking everything." Taehyung said quietly, and oh shit Jimin didn't think that far ahead, an innocent not meant to happen kiss is much better than confessing to your team member and having them reject you, and making them and probably the whole team too uncomfortable. If he actually confessed to Jungkook, and he rejected him, that might cause some drama in the band.

That can't happen.

Jimin just stared ahead, focusing on the blank screen of the TV. "Okay." He mumbled. "Just not today, I'll act like nothing happened tomorrow at breakfast. That sounds like a more natural thing to do." He reasoned, he had a feeling if he went out of the room, Jungkook would be right there, and he was scared of facing the younger; having been rejected by him so many times, he didn't feel like doing it today; didn't wanna see the rejection in his eyes without him even saying anything. He couldn't even hang out with him now like they usually did without feeling awkward. "Can I sleep here tonight? I don't wanna sleep alone to be honest."

He wasn't being honest but he didn't want to admit to Taehyung that he was scared of the short trip to his room in case he bumped into Jungkook, or even worse; Jungkook coming to his room to 'talk'.

"Yeah, you liar. Whatever." Taehyung teased, reaching over to turn the lights off, as said before, Jimin couldn't lie to Taehyung, he read him like an open book.

Meanwhile Jimin's feeling was spot on.

The youngest was sitting on the floor of the hall outside the room, waiting for Jimin to come out, not listening in or anything, but just waiting, and when he saw the lights being turned off from the reflection of the marble floors he huffed, getting slightly angry by the fact that Jimin was willing to talk to Taehyung but not to him, and maybe also about the fact that the two are probably sleeping together right now, but he didn't realise that bit, at least not yet. Getting up from his sitting position, he stormed off to his room, closing the door behind him with another huff.

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