Here Comes The Bride

238 7 6

3rd person

"This has got to be one of the most normal ceremonies that I've performed in a while, so I just want to thank the two of you for that before we get started today." The officiant said, leaning over to Ethan.

"Well, if we would have actually had a wedding and invited all of her family, that would be a different story." He chuckled, looking toward the back door, waiting for his soon-to-be wife to walk outside.

"Chance, would you quit it please." Haley's voice echoed out of the open door as she swatted Chance's hands away from her hair. "It's fine, go sit down."

The eccentric blonde walked through the back door with a defeated look on his face and took his seat beside his Haley's little sister.

Jaelyn hit a button on her speaker and the instrumental version of "Half a Heart" by One Direction started to play.

Ethan's posture changed. His shoulders relaxed and the smile on his face only grew as he watched Haley and her dad walk out of the apartment and into the back yard.

She was wearing an off-white romper that made her natural tan glow. Her cleavage was showed off in the v-shaped neckline. It was classy, but plenty sexy enough that Ethan had to force his eyes away. The lace bell sleeves hung from her wrists as she fiddled with the ribbon holding her bouquet together, and the jeweled belt hugged her waist on top of the silky fabric. An overskirt of flowing lace fell over the fitted shorts and billowed in the breeze behind her. Her hair fanned around her shoulders in loose waves, and carefully pinned to the crown of her head was the veil that her mother had worn on her wedding day. Something that had been passed down in her family for generations.

Haley met his eyes from across the yard and Ethan's breath caught. Haley tried to keep her own breathing steady as her father led her down the makeshift aisle. At that moment she was grateful she stuck with a pair of jeweled thong sandals instead of heels because between the nerves and excitement, she was feeling clumsier than usual. She watched every step her feet took and tried not to trip. But by some miracle, Haley held tight to her dad's arm and made it to the area of the yard acting as the "altar".

It wasn't until Haley's dad kissed her forehead and took his seat beside her mom that she finally looked up again and was in front of Ethan. Haley was briefly aware of Jaelyn taking her bouquet, but she couldn't focus on anything other than Ethan's hands now holding hers. Everyone else disappeared for a moment while Haley really looked over the love of her life. His outfit was simple, slightly more casual than the traditional groom's attire. Black slacks held up by a plain black leather belt and a fitted white button-up with the sleeves rolled up to the elbow, allowing his tattoos to show. Ethan had cleaned up his facial hair and his hair was loosely slicked back away from his face. A small smile appeared on Haley's lips as she had the thought that he looked like a character out of a Disney Channel original movie. Although the ink covering his arm was more from her personal fantasies.

"We opted for the short and simple ceremony, correct?" The officiate asked, looking between the couple. Haley and Ethan were so busy staring at each other that they didn't even notice he had spoken. The older man cleared his throat, earning their attention. The small group of family and friends laughed, and Ethan grinned when he noticed Haley blush. He gave her hands a squeeze and waited for her eyes to meet his before he nodded at the officiate.

"Okay, let's get started then." He said, clapping his hands together.

"If there is anyone here today to witness the union that thinks these two shouldn't be together, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Everyone was quiet except for Cash, who barked from where he was laying at Cameron's feet.

"Well, the dogs spoken, time to pack it up." She joked, causing Haley and Ethan to simultaneously roll their eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2020 ⏰

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