Alice in... Dreamland?

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Haley's POV

"Where are you going?" Ethan asked, grabbing my wrist, trying to pull me back towards him.

"There's cake." I said, taking my wrist back and grabbing my clothes off the floor. "Two of them."

He pouted and I rolled my eyes. "No round two?"

"Maybe after cake." I winked before opening the door to our room.

"Can you grab me a slice?" He asked, sitting up.

"You can get your ass up and get your own slice." I said walking out the door.

I don't know whose idea it was to let Jaelyn pick where we were staying, because this place is huge and extravagant and completely confusing. It was basically just a big maze and I was having a hard time trying to find the kitchen.

I felt arms wrap around my waist and I was about to scream until I realized that it was just Ethan and he'd probably just caught up to me.

"Relax. The ghosts are on the second floor." He joked, grabbing my hand as we walked down the hall.

Before I could respond to him, I started to hear music coming from somewhere else in the house. My brow furrowed as I looked around confused. It sounded like something straight from the 16th century.

"Who on earth is playing Bach?" I asked.

"What are you talking about?" Ethan asked.

"What, you don't hear that?" I asked, as it got louder and more noticeable. He shook his head and I sighed. Maybe I'm going crazy.

We opened a door - the one that we thought led to the kitchen - and ended up right back where we started.

"What the hell is going on in this house?" I turned around to look at Ethan, but he wasn't Ethan anymore.

Well, his body was Ethan's but the face was something else. It was like the face of a baby.

I did the only thing I could think of... I ran. I tried the same door again and was relieved to find that it now led out of the hallway. Although my relief didn't last long once I realized that I appeared to be in a forest and I also wasn't wearing any shoes. And instead of a baby-faced Ethan chasing me, there was a snake-faced Ethan was chasing me.

Just let me die already.

"All I wanted was some fucking cake, now I'm being chased." I yelled to myself, just as I tripped over an old root sticking out of the ground. But instead of hitting the ground like I'd expected, I just kept falling.

When I finally landed, it was on something soft, thank god. I wasn't being chased anymore but whatever I was laying on was calling my name, sending chills down my spine.


"Shut up."


"Shut up. Shut up. Shut up."


I jolted up and looked around, taking a deep breath before slapping myself in the face to make sure I was awake. I heard chuckling from beside me and I covered my eyes before turning around.

"Please tell me you don't have a baby or a snake face?"

"What?" Ethan asked.

"Nothing." I said, taking my hands off my eyes. "Just a weird ass fucking dream."

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