I Can Keep A Secret

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Haley's POV

"Are we ready to head out?" My dad asked, smacking the side of one of the uhauls. Him and Lacey are taking one and me and Ethan are taking the other uhaul to Stanford, we're going to unload all of the boxes and then put all of my stuff into a smaller uhaul and drive to Los Angelos to go to my new apartment.

Am I actually ready to live on my own with my family five hours away as opposed to an hour and a half away? I don't know, I guess we'll find out.

"You mean are we ready to drive for three days?" I asked, opening the passenger door to our uhaul and letting cash hop on before climbing in myself. "Yeah, absolutely."

"Well let's go then."


Two hours down the road and I was already going out of my mind bored. I also haven't really talked much because I'm afraid I'll say something about what I know and I told her I'd give her a week to say something before I said anything to anyone.

"What's on your mind babe?" Ethan asked, reaching over with his right hand to hold mine.

"I can't talk about it." I sighed.

"Why not?"

"Because I promised someone I'd give them a week to tell someone else something before I talked with anyone about it and if that someone didn't tell the other someone what was going on that I was going to tell them because this shit has been going on to long."

"Well, why can't you tell me? I can keep a secret."

"Sure you can Ethan. Do you remember how we ended up together in the first place?" I asked, laughing.

"Right. That was one time." He sighed. "I'm really good at keeping other secrets."

"I wish I could tell you. But you're too close to it already." I sighed.

"What do you mean?" He asked, turning to look at me since we were stuck in traffic.

"I can't tell you."

"Well what can you tell me?" He asked.

"Mhm." I said tapping my chin with my finger. "That I love you."

He smiled and turned back to the road since we were moving again.

"I love you more."

"Impossible." I said, scratching behind Cash's ear because he was moving around in my lap.


Lacey 😜
We're stopping for the
night at the next exit

"Babe. We're taking the next exit for the night." I said, while replying to my sister. He nodded and put the signal on to move into the right lane.

We pulled into the parking lot of the Hotel and me and Lacey stayed with the trucks while my dad and Ethan went inside to get rooms.

"Do I have to share a room with dad?" Lacey asked, looking up from her phone.

"No." I said. "You could sit out here with the trucks all night to make sure no one takes anything."

"Gross. People in Kansas are weird."

"We're not even in Kansas. We're still in Missouri." I said, wondering how she passed geography.

"That's even worse." She sighed. "Can I just stay with you and Ethan?"

"Yeah, absolutely not." I answered quickly.

"Why not?" She whined.

"You're old enough to understand why I don't want my little sister in the hotel room with me and my boyfriend that I haven't seen in two months."

"I'm also old enough to know that that is exactly why I should sleep in your room. Keep you from doing anything unholy."

"I'll pay you." I said raising my eyebrow at her. "Name your price."

"$1000." She said, crossing her arms across her chest.

"That's ridiculous." I said rolling my eyes at her and looking toward the front of the hotel where my dad and Ethan were walking back. "I was thinking more along the lines of less than a hundred bucks."

"I guess I'm staying in your room then." She said.

"You can't actually expect me to give you $1000. Who had that kind of money. I just graduated college, I'm in debt." I lied. My tuition was completely covered by the settlement check and I had a good sum left over.

"You and I both know that's a lie."

"What do you need $1000 for anyway?"

"That's for me to know and you to pay for." She smirked. "So what's it going to be."

"I'm not giving you money." I said hitting my head on the door of the uhaul a couple of times.

"Get it out now cause that's the only banging your going to be doing." Lacey laughed and I turned to glare at her.

"Alright, we're in rooms 236 and 253. Y'all go on up and we'll park the trucks." My dad said walking up to us.

Lacey took the keys from Ethan's hands and ran on up. He looked at me confused and I shook my head, rolling my eyes. I went into the cab of the truck and grabbed my night bag and grabbed cash's leash, letting him out.

"Cash is your roommate for the night." I said patting my dad on the chest and handing him the leash before following after Lacey.

We made it up to the room and Lacey opened the door. "I'm taking a shower."

"Have fun. Don't drown." I mumbled, claiming the bed by the window and AC unit for me and Ethan.

I grabbed the remote from the center nightstand and turned the tv on, settling on a rerun of criminal minds to watch.

A few minutes later there was a knock on the door and I groaned, getting up off the bed, checking the peephole to make sure it was Ethan before I opened the door.

"Why is your sister in our room?" He whispered, walking in and closing the door behind him.

"To keep us from 'doing anything unholy.'" I quoted, walking back over to the bed and laying down.

"Sounds like someone else I know." He mumbled. "Why didn't you try and convince her otherwise?"

"I told her I'd pay her but I didn't think she'd try to hustle me for $1000." I mumbled only half listening to him because Derek Morgan and Spence Reid were on the tv.

"Why didn't you just give her the money." He asked, kicking off his shoes and sitting on the other side of the bed.

"God knows what she wanted the money for. I wasn't going to play into that." I said moving so that I was laying my head on his shoulder. "I was thinking more along the lines of $50."

"You know, there's a private pool downstairs." He said, turning to look at me.

"All of my bathing suits are packed up in the back of the truck somewhere."

"Who said anything about swimsuits?" He smirked.

Guess who's back and better than ever, it's ya girl T.

(Send me to TikTok rehab please)

I told y'all it wasn't going to be long before I came back 😜 I didn't even give you time to miss me.

What do y'all think is in store for the sequel??? Drop some ideas below :)

Love y'all 💓💓

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