New Ink To Head Into New Chapters

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Haley's POV

"Did you tell him yet?" I asked, walking up behind Ethan with my arms full of pants to try on.

"You can't just walk up on people like that." He said, grabbing at his chest. "And no, I haven't told him yet."

We both glanced over at Grayson who was looking at a pair of sunglasses in this very overpriced thrift shop.

"What are you waiting for, Christmas?"

"I'm just waiting for the right time."

"Well he's going to figure it out when we get back to LA tomorrow and you start moving all of your stuff out. You might as well tell him now."

"Why can't you tell him?" He asked.

"Because he's your brother." I sighed. "I'm going to try these on, you better tell him."

I walked back towards the dressing rooms and walked into one of them empty stalls, taking off my shorts and trying on the first pair of jeans that I had picked up.

They fit right everywhere except for the legs, where they were way too long.

"Story of my fucking life." I groaned, taking them off and starting a maybe pile with them because I could always hem them.

"Too long?" Jaelyn asked from somewhere else in the store.


I ended up finding a couple of pairs that I wanted to get but had to put the rest of them back because they were either way too long or didn't fit over my ass.

I walked back out of the dressing room with the pants that I was going to buy and was on my way to find a couple of sun dresses when I was stopped.

"What are you and Ethan conspiring about this time?" Cam asked, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Nothing. Why?"

"Because you two keep whispering and avoiding peoples eyes when you're talking."

"It's nothing." I said, trying to sound as casual as I could with Cam trying to stare into my soul.

"Which means it's something. What is it?" She asked. "Oh my god are you pregnant?"

"What? No! Why would you ask that?" I asked shaking my head and walking around her towards the dresses.

"Then what is it?"

I paused and turned around, stepping closer to her. I knew she wouldn't stop bugging me until I told her and I didn't want to risk her tipping off Grayson before Ethan had a chance to talk to him. I sighed and moved closer to Cam so I could whisper.

"You can't tell Grayson," I said and she nodded. "Ethan's moving in with me. I asked him last night."

"What? Oh my god this is so exciting!" She squealed.

I used my free hand to cover her mouth and looked around to make sure no one had noticed.

"Would you be quiet?" I warned. She nodded and licked my hand.

Ew, this is not the first grade Cam. I scrunched up my nose and quickly wiped her saliva off of my hand.

"You're disgusting," I muttered under my breath.

"Don't cover my mouth then." She shrugged.

"I'm sure she'd like to cover your mouth with something else." Ethan said, walking up behind me. I elbowed him in the gut and he groaned.

Beautiful people // Ethan Dolan (2) Where stories live. Discover now