There's No "I" In "We"

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"Alright. That's the last box." Ethan said, falling on the floor beside it.

"You," I said looking around at my living room that was now completely covered in boxes. "Have a lot of stuff."

"And you're freaking out." He said standing back up and walking over to me.

"I'm not freaking out." I said, shaking my head. "It's just a lot of stuff."

"And it's not going to be as much as soon as I start putting it away. It just looks like a lot because it's all in big, bulky boxes."

"Okay. So let's get started then." I said grabbing one of the boxes and carrying it towards the bedroom.

"What? Now? We've been moving all day and haven't even had anything to eat. I'm starving."

I put the box back down and looked at my watch, seeing that it was almost 5pm.

"I guess we can take ten minutes to eat." I sighed, walking past him and into the kitchen.

I grabbed two bowls out of the cabinet and filled them both with cereal and almond milk before grabbing two spoons and handing Ethan one of the bowls.

"It's all I have." I said leaning against against the counter. "I need to go to the grocery store"

"We." He said, shoving a bite into his mouth.


"It's all we have. We need to go to the grocery store." He corrected.

"Right. We." I said taking a bite of my cereal. "I've gotta get used to that."


"Okay. This is the last one." Ethan said, walking into the room with a heavier looking box in his hand.

"Ethan, I swear if that's more shoes, I'm checking you into a rehab facility because you have an addiction."

"I don't need rehab."

"And you also don't need four pairs of the same pair of Air Force ones. I just don't get it."

"Why do you need so many eyeshadow palletes? They all do the same thing."

"Touché." I said, not having a proper answer for him. "But still, there's not any room for any more shoes. So you need to find your favorite pairs and then put the rest of them in the guest room."

"Fine, fine." He said, walking back out of the room with the box. I'm guessing he's just going to keep that whole box in the guest room.

"And hurry up too, I want to go grocery shopping."

"It's nearly 9 at night, you want to go now?" He asked, popping his head back into the room.

"Is it really that late?" I asked, looking down at my watch. "Well never mind then. I guess we can just order something to eat then."

"I've got everything I want to eat right here." He smirked.

"As nice as that sounds," I said standing up and walking over to him. "You're just going to have to wait a few days."

"Dammit." He muttered, walking away. "Every time."

"I'm sure we could find something else to tie you over." I said, walking my fingers up his chest.

"Yeah?" He asked, his eyebrows raised.

"Mmm, yeah."


"Two boxes of pasta is enough Ethan." I sighed, watching him pile like seven boxes into the cart.

"I think you're underestimating how much I can actually eat."

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