Stressed out

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Ethan's POV

I walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water, but also to see why Haley was up so early. She was just sitting there at the bar, slowly stirring her cereal, starring blankly at the wall. I don't even think she noticed me come in the room.

I grabbed a glass out of the cabinet and filled it up before walking to stand in front her. I cleared my throat, trying to get her attention and nothing.

I waved my hand in front of her face, nothing.

Snapped my fingers, she didn't budge.

"Haley." I said, finally deciding to budge her shoulder a little.

"What?" She asked, snapping out of it. "Oh. Hey Ethan."

"What are you doing up?" I asked, taking a sip of my water.

"I felt sick to my stomach so I came in here to see if eating something would make it feel better, but it didn't."

"Like sick sick, or anxiety sick?" I asked, sitting down my water and grabbing her hand.

"I'm not sure." She sighed, looking up at me.

"Are you anxious or stressing about anything?" I asked.

"Not consciously. Subconsciously maybe."

"Okay. What could you subconsciously be stressing about?"

"I don't know. Not getting my classroom ready in time, not being a good enough teacher, actually really wanting kids but being too afraid to admit it to myself, worrying about that kid I saw on the street the other day begging someone to take her home, wishing that I could have done more-"

"These all sound like they're a little more than subconsciously on your mind."

"Yeah, maybe." She said, her voice distant. "I think I'm going to take something and try to go back to sleep."

She picked up her bowl and sat it in the sink before turning to walk out of the kitchen, but she paused.

"You coming?" She asked, not bothering to turn back around.

"Yeah." I said, sitting my empty cup in the sink and grabbing her hand.


I've been awake for long enough to get dressed and lay back down, and now I'm just watching Haley sleep. Which sounds crazy, and a bit psychotic, but it's for a good reason.

I'm just concerned about her, which I have every right to be.

She rolled over to where she was facing me and opened her eyes.

"Good morning." She mumbled, closing her eyes against and stretching her legs out before opening her eyes again.

"Are you feeling any better?" I asked, pushing some stray hairs out out of her face.

"Not really," she sighed. "But we've got work to do, so let's just go get out done."

"Me and Grayson can go down there by ourselves and get some work done if you need to stay home." I suggested, knowing she would oppose.

"No. It's my very first classroom, I need to be there, even if I just supervise the work."

"Okay. Do you want some coffee?" I asked sitting up on the edge of the bed.

"Yes please." She said.

I walked out of our bedroom and down the hall to the kitchen get the coffee machine warmed up.

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