Adventures in babysitting

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Ethan's POV

"Honey, you can't come with me. You have to stay here." Haley said, tying to console Journi who was screaming at the top of her lungs to come with us back to Los Angelos.

"No. I wanna go to you house."

"Baby, you can't."

"Why not?" She yelled even louder, tears streaming down her face. I honestly don't know how Haley was dealing with it because it was breaking my heart.

"Because you live here with mama and daddy, won't you miss them?"

"I can call them."

"You can call me. You need to stay here pumpkin."

"No." Haley sighed and stood up with Journi still sobbing in her arms and looked at me.

"Take her with you." Maggie said, leaning against the wall in the living room.

"What?" Haley asked, turning around to look at her mom.

"We're going to be down that way in three weeks, let her go home with you for three weeks. She's obviously not going to stop crying until she sees you again anyway. Just let her go with you."

"Ethan?" Haley asked, turning to look at me.

"It's up to you." I said, knowing exactly what her answer would be.

"Get her a bag ready." Haley said. "But I don't know what you're going to do at the end of the three weeks if she doesn't want to come back with you."


"Effin, I wan old town road." Journi said to me from the back seat of the car.

"We just listened to old town road." I said, turning around and looking at her, since Haley was taking her turn to drive.

"We can listen to Essa?" She asked.

"Yeah, we can listen to Elsa." I said grabbing my phone and looking up the frozen soundtrack.

"Has it been six hours yet?" Haley asked, scratching her nose.

"Nope. About one and a half." I said, chuckling.

"Oh my god." She sighed. "Journi, don't you want to go to sleep or something?"

"Umm, Nope." She said, laughing and then going back to singing into the unknown.

"Are you getting hungry?"

"Uh, duh." Journi said, snapping her fingers.

"Did she just 'duh' me?" Haley asked, turning to look at me.

"And she snapped." I laughed.

"Why did I think this was a good idea?"


We finally made it back to Los Angelos and I'm pretty sure that Haley lost her mind somewhere between Stanford and here.

"We don't have room for a unicorn Journi." Haley sighed, grabbing her sister out of her car seat.

"Why not?"

"We'd have to get rid of Cash and Ethan if you want a unicorn."

"Cash and Effin?" Journi asked, a shocked look on her face.

"Yes. Both of them." Haley said before looking up at me and laughing.

"Maybe just Cash?"

"Nope. For a unicorn, you have to get rid of both of them. Unicorns take up too much room."

Beautiful people // Ethan Dolan (2) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن