Cake By The Ocean

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Haley's POV

The door slammed shut, and after I flinched just a tiny bit, I looked around at everyone else in the room. And then something happened, one of those 'you had to be there' moments. I couldn't help but burst out laughing, which caused Kyle and Ricky to laugh as well. Cameron then started laughing along with Grayson, and it was just a chain reaction until all nine of us were on the floor in tears.

"Did you see her?" Cam asked between laughs. "Ohh I still love you, please take me back. I didn't mean to cheat on you."

The way she mimicked Claire made me laugh even harder, to the point where no sound was coming out and I was basically just sitting there trying to breathe.

"Okay...stop...I can't...breathe." I said in between laughs.

"But did you see Anisa?" Kellan asked, basically rolling on the floor. "She went all she-hulk on Claire."

"Oh please, she was barely peter Parker before the radioactive bite."

"Okay, that's a little too far. Can I at least be Hawkeye without out his bow?" Anisa asked, sitting up from the floor.

"Yeah I guess I can give you that." I said, finally able to catch my breath from breathing.

I then stood up, coming up with a great idea. "We should celebrate."

"What? Have a 'the wicked bitch of the west is gone' party?" Cam asked.

"Exactly. Do you think they'd write that on a cake?" I asked, finding my flip flops and sliding them on.

"Probably not." Ricky said, scratching the back of his neck.

"Well I can just get my own icing and writing on their myself if they won't." I said, looking around for where Ethan put my keys. "What else would we need for a party?"

"Chips, guac, salsa, vegan burgers, vegan ice cream, streamers, those noisy things you blow into, balloons." Grayson started listed off oddly specific party amenities before getting elbowed in the side by Jaelyn. "I'm guessing," he coughed and cleared his throat.

"Um... okay?" I said as I walked over to Ethan and reached into his front pocket, finding the car keys.

"E, you going to go with me?" I asked.

"Umm actually, I should probably call my mom and let her know everything that just happened," he stuttered out. "Why don't you take Cameron and Kyle with you."

I narrowed my eyes at him, trying to figure out what was going on and he chuckled nervously.

"Cam can come. Kyle scares me."

"Why do I scare you?" Kyle asked, laughing from the bar in the kitchen.

"You're over a foot taller than me. I don't even know what you look like, and you could crush me if you ever spontaneously pass out and I happen to be walking behind or in front of you."

"Kyle has to go because he has to film you getting stuff for a party." Ethan explained, rolling his eyes.

"Why?" I asked getting even more suspicious.

"We're making a friendcation video."

I narrowed my eyes at him, trying to figure out what was going on and he chuckled nervously.

"Just to jog your memory, I don't like surprises. Maybe you should keep that in mind." I said, staring him down.

"Who said anything about a surprise?" He deadpanned.

"Grant, I'm warning you." I said crossing my arm and lifting my left eyebrow.

"Madison, there's no surprise. Go get the party supplies." He said using the same tone that I did, but kissing my forehead afterwards.

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