You Ruined It

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"Just let him come E." I whispered, looking over to Grayson who was slumped on the couch.

"Why. First he ruined the plans we had last night and now he wants to tag along with us all day today?" He sighed, bitting his avocado toast.

"Ethan, he's your brother and he's hurting. Just let the man come with us." I said, hitting his shoulder lightly. "Besides, it's going to take more than the two of us to get all the furniture that I ordered put together."

"Fine but if he starts crying again, I'm punching him."

"You need to be nice to him." I said, grabbing the uhaul keys off the counter behind him and walking toward the living room.

I tossed the keys at Grayson and he barley caught them, looking at me confused.

"Let's go." I said, nodding my head towards the door.

HaleyHolland99: standing in my brand new living room looking at my brand new keys in front of my brand new entrance way in Cali 😭 so ready for this new adventure 💙💙💙

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

HaleyHolland99: standing in my brand new living room looking at my brand new keys in front of my brand new entrance way in Cali 😭 so ready for this new adventure 💙💙💙


"Do you lack joy?" Ethan asked, looking around at the furniture that we were taking out of boxes.

"Not particularly no," I said looking up from the night stand that I was putting together. "Why do you ask?"

"Why is everything grey?"

"I got blue sheets." I said pointing towards one of the boxes labeled bedroom.

"And what color is the comforter?"

"Light black." I said, sitting the nightstand up and sliding the drawer into before putting it where it was going to go.

"Grey, babe, it's grey. Everything is grey."

"His hair, his smoke, his dreams." I mumbled under my breath, opening the box for the second night stand.

"What was that?" He asked, opening up the box with my mattress in it so that it could be fluffing it's self up.

"Nothing." I sighed. A loud sound came from the living room followed by Grayson swearing.

"I'm okay." He yelled, not sounding so sure of himself.

Me and Ethan both sighed before walking out of my room to check on him.

"What did you do?" I asked, looking at him sitting on the floor. Everything seemed to be normal in here, nothing looked broken.

"Someone dropped the hammer on my foot and I fell backwards." He explained.

"Someone?" Ethan asked.

"Yeah." Grayson trailed off. "Someone."

"Is your foot okay?" I asked. "Do you need to amputate it?"

Beautiful people // Ethan Dolan (2) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن