Does Anybody Have A Straight Jacket

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3rd Person POV

'I want them real thick and juicy, so find that juicy double

Mix-a-Lot's in trouble, begging for a piece of that bubble...'

Anisa laughed and shook her head while Jaelyn and Cameron screamed the lyrics to 'Baby Got Back' from the front seats. Grayson stared wide-eyed as the girls rapped, wondering how they were still breathing.

'So I'm looking at rock videos

Knock-knee bimbos walking like...'

"HOES," Jaelyn and Cameron yelled at the same time.

Jaelyn stopped singing and turned the blasting volume down before leaning back into the passenger seat, breathing heavy. Grayson groaned and used his finger to shake his eardrum.

"I think I just lost my hearing in one ear. Are you two done screaming to outdated rap songs?" Grayson asked.

Jaelyn whipped around and looked at him over the back of her seat.

"First of all, that song is timeless and therefore will always be amazing. Second of all, the only appropriate way to sing 'Baby Got Back' is to scream. It's just the rules."

"Do you actually like this song that much?"

Jaelyn raised an eyebrow at Grayson and then turned to Anisa.

"Anisa, could you please?"

Anisa sighed and dug her phone out of her pocket. Grayson watched her tap the screen, confused at what she was doing. He looked between the two girls with his brows furrowed, and Jaelyn just stared at him with her own phone in her hand, the screen facing up. A few seconds passed and then Jaelyn's phone started to ring.

'I like big butts and I cannot lie, you other brothers can't deny...'

Jaelyn declined the phone call and the music stopped. Grayson stared at her for second and then shook his head slowly.

"You have a problem," he sighed.

She laughed and turned back around in her seat.

"I've got many problems actually, and Sir Mix-a-Lot solves almost all of them."

The music kept playing in the background but nobody said anything for a few minutes. The four of them had been driving for about three hours, along with Kellan and Ricky who were in the car behind them, switching between belting out different songs and playing "road trip games" that Jaelyn had found on Google. They played Would You Rather for about an hour until Anisa got sick of Jaelyn and Grayson arguing over how stupid each other's answers were. After that they decided that games might not be the best idea anymore.

Cameron moved one of her hands off the wheel and rubbed her stomach.

"You guys feel like stopping for food in the next few miles?" Cam asked everyone. "I'm fricking starving."

"Me too."


Grayson took out his phone and searched for nearby restaurants.

"It looks like there's a few places coming up after a rest stop five miles out," he said. "Cam, you want to switch out after we eat?"

"Yes please, my hand is starting to cramp from holding the wheel."

Anisa had taken her phone out and was texting someone.

"I'll tell Kellan we're stopping," she said.

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