Let the Happily Ever After Begin

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"No. I totally get it bro. I didn't really see Haley wanting a big wedding anyway. As long as I still get to plan the bachelor party."
"Well obviously, who else was going to do it?Cameron?"
"Great, cause I've already been working on it. We drive the sprinter up to Vegas-"
"Veto." I said, popping into the frame so that Grayson could see the look on my face. "You're not taking him to sin city, a place full of hookers, strippers, and prostitutes."
"Hookers and prostitutes are the same thing," Grayson interjected, "but, if you would have let me finish, you would have heard the part where I mentioned the skydiving place in Vegas, no where near strippers."
"Jumping out of a plane?" I asked crossing my arms across my chest and raising my eyebrow at him. "So you all die before anyone says I do?"
"We've been skydiving before, it'll be fine."
"And people who have driven before get into car accidents all the time. No doing anything that you have to sign a waiver or a DNR for."
"Fine, I'll come up with something else." He sighed.
"That's all I ask." I said, uncrossing my arms and walking towards the living room.
"Can I take him across the border?"

I paused for a second and then turned back around, a confused look on my face.

"I don't what to know why, but Canada yes, Mexico no."

"Why no Mexico?" Ethan asked, turning his head away from his phone to look at me.

"I have never heard or watched a spring break/ vacation gone wrong story where someone ended up eloping or get caught up in a drug deal in Canada. There's no telling what the two of you could get into if y'all went to Mexico."

"She's got a point." Ethan said, turning back to look at his brother.
"Fine whatever, no Mexico. You know, you're making this list less and less fun the more I talk to you."
"I'm sure you'll figure something out Bailey, I believe in you." I said, trailing off and going to lay on the couch.


"I need help coming up with something to make everything up to Jaelyn." Ethan said, plopping down on the bed beside me, his hair dripping all of the place.

"Well first of all, dry your hair before you get the bed all wet. Second of all, apologize and then buy her something expensive, that usually works." I sighed, trying to pay attention to my tv show.

"I have a feeling your idea of expensive and her idea of expensive are two very different prices." He said, standing up and grabbing his towel of the ground, running it through his hair.

"Whatever number you think I would think is expensive, add a zero."

"Just one?" He asked raising his eyebrow at me before sitting back down on the bed.

"Now double it."

"Ah, yeah. That's more like it." He chuckled before laying his head on my lap.

"Actually, you'd be better off just giving her your card and telling her to go crazy if forgiveness is what your endgame is." I said, poking his nose, for no reason other than it was there. "Also, is there a reason your laying in my lap like a child?"

"I'm just giving you a glimpse of the future," he laughed, turning his head towards the tv while I rolled my eyes. "Plus your thighs are more comfortable than the pillows ever will be."

I narrowed my eyebrows and looked down at him, "thank you?"

"You are very welcome."


I woke up and rolled over and the bed was empty. I pouted before sitting up and looking around trying to find Ethan.

I heard noises coming from the kitchen and fell back on the bed, grabbing my phone and saw like 20 unread messages and I was confused for a second before I realized that today was my birthday. How on earth did I forget that it was my birthday?

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