You Can't Please Everyone

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Haley's POV

"You're starting to freak out." Ethan said, walking up behind me.

"I'm not freaking out." I said, my voice sounding distant.

"You've been starring at the bridal magazine for 20 minutes with a disgusted look on your face."

"Well that's just because we only got engaged a week ago and my mom wants us to get married, like tomorrow." I said, slowly pushing the magazine off of the counter with my fork. Out of sight, out of mind.

"I'm down with that." He said, his arms slowly wrapping around my waist and his lips finding their way to my neck.

"Then you plan the whole thing, and I'll just show up." I said, rolling my head to the side.

"You're really going to relinquish control and let me plan every single detail?"

"If it means I don't have to spend multiple hours a day for multiple weeks shopping and planning with my mother, yes." I said, turning around so I was facing him. "And to be honest, I'm only agreeing to a wedding because it's what you want. Because I'd be perfectly fine having a minister come to the back yard and just having my parents and siblings and your mom and siblings there and then spending wedding money on a big reception and honeymoon."

"Wait, seriously?" His eyes getting wide in shock. "You don't want some big fairytale wedding?"

"When have I ever radiated the type of energy that would suggest I would want a big extravagant wedding?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"You do have a point." He shrugged. "I only wanted an actual wedding because I thought you wanted one."

"Well why didn't you say something sooner. Having me over here wanting to puke at the idea of wedding planning."

"One problem," he sighed. "How are you going to break this news to your mom?"

"Oh believe me, I'm doing them a favor. Lacey's wedding plan is already going to cost them two years tuition at Stanford, and she's only 15." I said, taking my phone out of my pocket so I could call my mom and tell her. "I will also not be touching that wedding with a 200 foot pole."


"My dad thanks you for saving his wallet a fortune." I said, walking back into the kitchen and laying my phone on the counter.

"And your mom?" Ethan asked, mouth full of avacado toast.

"She asked if I was pregnant." I sighed, shaking my head and grabbing a banana out of the fruit bowl.

"Are you pregnant?" He asked, raising his eyebrow at me.

"Trust me, you'd know if I was." I said, taking a bite of the banana.

"You don't usually eat bananas, maybe you are. Weird cravings are a symptom right?"

"You stop manifesting that shit right now," I said, pointing in his face. "One major milestone at a time."

I patted him on the shoulder and walked around him to grab my hidden bottle of vodka.

"Now I've got to tell Jaelyn that she's not going to be a bridesmaid. Wish me luck".

Normally, I would've laughed at the way Ethan's eyes widened in fear at the thought of my best friend's reaction to me not having any bridesmaids. However, in this moment I was also scared of Jaelyn so I didn't really have it in me to laugh at him.

Ethan swallowed hard as he looked at me. "I don't know if luck can help you."

Bracing myself, I took a seat at the counter and FaceTimed Jaelyn.

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