The Good Kind of Tension

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Ethan took a deep breath and I could tell he was trying to reign in his temper before speaking.

"I don't recall inviting her to stay here. In fact, I don't recall being asked for my permission either."

Lisa blinked for a second, obviously not expecting Ethan's tone. But she didn't stay thrown for long before crossing her arms across her chest and looking at her son with a raised eyebrow.

"I wasn't aware I needed your permission. Claire is a family friend, I don't see the problem here," Lisa said matter of factly.

I loved and respected Lisa, but she had definitely crossed a line here even if she didn't know the full story. Ethan always told me that his mom was rarely wrong, but I could feel the tension coming off of him in waves and knew this would be one of the few times that he spoke up and set her straight.

He leveled her with a stare and Grayson and Cameron both tensed from their spots on the wall looking ready to intervene.

"You didn't see the problem with inviting someone to stay at my house? Or with the fact that the person you invited to stay at my house happens to be the girl who cheated on me?

Did you even stop to think about how this idea of yours would make me feel? Or more importantly how it might impact my relationship? I don't understand how you thought that any of this would be ok," Ethan exclaimed, dragging the hand I wasn't holding across the top of his head.

My eyes darted between Lisa and Claire, watching their reactions. Claire stared down at the table, not able to say much of anything without giving herself away to Lisa. Lisa however, was holding her ground as she stared at her son, apparently still not in full agreement with what he was saying. Or maybe she wasn't ready to admit she was wrong in front of all her children. I know I wouldn't be.

"Ethan, I understand that Claire and you have a rocky history. But she was a dear friend to this family long before you both started dating. Given the way I raised you, I figured that would trump some relationship drama now that she needs some help," Lisa scolded.

The veins in Ethan's neck popped out as he raised his voice.

"That wasn't your call to make! It's not for you to say when I should forget the past. That is my journey, mom. It's my decision and my decision alone!"

Grayson and I made eye contact and I could tell we were thinking the same thing. Ethan's emotions were too high right now and if he kept going he would end up saying something he'd regret. One of Gray's shoulders was off the wall as he got ready to walk to his brother and cut this short, but I slightly shook my head signaling that I had it.

I brought my free hand to Ethan's shoulder and squeezed gently.

"Baby, calm down," I said quietly.

He looked down at me and instantly his eyes softened. I knew that Ethan didn't want Claire there, but I also knew that kicking her out wasn't the kind of man he was. Ethan was kind and always put others needs before his own preferences. It's one of the reasons I fell in love with him. Regardless of what Claire has done, she's been a part of his life from the time he was a toddler. He would tell her to get lost for me and for our relationship, but he would be going against everything he is. I couldn't let him do that. I knew that I had to let him know it was okay to be the man Lisa raised him to be. I squeezed his shoulder again and gave him a small smile, trying to communicate my thoughts through my eyes.

I watched the gears turning in his head as he stared down at me with questions in his eyes. I knew he understood what I was trying to say without words, and he was giving me one last chance to back out. Having made my decision, I tilted my chin down in a small nod and finalized what was probably a terrible idea.

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