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parker spatial jumped in the middle of an alleyway that was empty. "okay, base on my memory, they should be walking through here any minutes." he said as he checked the watch that parker gave him.

parker paced back and forth before he heard luther and deeper voice talking together, walking toward a bridge. he blinked over toward them, scaring the older man and luther.

"calm down, nut job." parker said, calmly as the older man held his silent pistol at parker forehead, "you might wanna put that down before you end six foot buried." he scoffed at the older man.

"step closer to him, and i'll melt your brain." five interjected before the older man could step closer to aim between parker's eyes.

parker wheezed, "i'd listen to the younger version of you, he doesn't make empty threats anymore."

older five removed the gun from between parker's eyes, walking ahead of five and parker alongside with luther as they stepped upstairs.

"where the... hell.. you been?" five stammered, itching all over his body, "and why aren't you going... through the same... thing?"

"it's a long story, and remember, i teleported back to the commission to finish my chocolate milk and i met older version by the mission point." parker explained but he knew five wasn't listening with all the scratching he was doing.

"what are you looking at!" he yelled at a couple of people who was walking downstairs, "see something funny?!"

"five!" parker called, "you're making me jealous right now."

"how? i'm the one going mentally crazy," he grumbled before another citizen was staring at us, "mind your business!" he snapped, "or i'll give you something to stare at!"

"oh, my god. you gonna have the world staring us down if you don't get it together." parker replied in a joke matter.

"can you stop itching, you making me nervous now." parker complained, watching five's nail drawing into his attire as he scratch his spots recklessly without a second thought.

another man had walked past down and staring at the itching boy as if he was sickly ill.

"what? youwish you could pull of these shorts!" five snapped again, making parker rolls his eyes playfully.

"and why's that? is it because you're so sexy and sophisticated in them?" parker teased.

"not right now, parker. i'm in no horny
jokes right now." five retorted.

"it wasn't a- ahh, never mind." parker laughed as they finally gotten up with luther who was looking more nervous than parker did.

"hey, brothers." luther positivly smiled, "how's you doing?"

"he's gonna kill me, isn't he?" five asked.

luther scoffed, "what? him? he's gonna kill you? yeah, right. that's ridiculous."

"he's lying..." parker spoke up after reading luther's mind, "you're a terrible liar, luther."

"worse than you are a spotter." five hissed.

"okay, whose fault is that? what good is having a spotter if you won't even listen to him?"

parker wheezed, "so you're admitting you're conspiring against five?" parker asked.

"do... do five admit that he's suffering from paradox psychosis?" luther asked.

"all i'm suffering from is bracing clarity about you and your murderous intentions." five angrily replied before he scratched his chest.

Turning Out, Five Hargreeves. ( Complete )Where stories live. Discover now