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parker awaken had finally awaken after a long night of drinking and drowning himself in sorrows and guilt. "what the fuck... I feel like I been pounded all over again,"

parker lifted up slowly, he couldn't remember much from last night beside the drinking and rick's reaching out to him. parker grunts as he began putting on a set of new clothes.

"why does everything sound so loud." parker rubbed his ears, groaning loudly before stepping out the room, and going into the living room.

"diego, this is a setup."

"maybe, but we should go anyway."

"says the guy who's already been stabbed once this week."

"oh, don't worry, me and him are gonna have words."

"what's we talking about?" parker muttered, catching luther, diego, and vanya's attention.

"reginald invited us to brunch," luther informed him.

"that sound like fun," parker yawned, "what should I wear?" he asked.

"no!" luther exclaimed, "would you tell them that they're nuts?" luther turns to vanya.

"I think we should go." vanya suggested.

"see?" diego agreed.

"vanya, of all people, you should hate dad the most." luther tried reasoning with vanya.

parker snorted, he couldn't understand why the ape-man all the sudden was the new diego, hating dad was not his usual memo and ape-man was on the roll with the title.

"come on, can he really be that bad?"

"okay, well, let's see. he isolated you from the rest of the family." luther started.

"kept you hopped up on pills." diego added.

"and he brainwashed you into thinking
you had no powers." luther continued.

"outcasted you from the family," parker added.

"jesus, this guy... I mean, come on, I have to meet him." vanya softly smiled.

parker felt disappointment in how much brain- washed vanya wanted to meets reginald, he'd wished she was just her normal self in order to meets reginald. put the old man in his place.

"you already know how this is gonna go. dad is gonna play all his little mind games on us, get into our heads, and he's gonna turn us all against each other. you watch." luther argued.

"luther, we're not 12 anymore. all right? we're grown-ass men." parker cleared his throat, "and women." diego added.

"hey, hey. we can handle him. wanna know what's different this time?" diego asked.

"what's that?"

"you got me, we go in there as a united front. no more number one, number two bullshit. from now on, it's... team zero.

"team zero?" parker repeated.

"team zero." diego held his hands out, hoping for a fist bump.

"all the way," parker first bumped him as he walked past, he headed toward the stairs.

"wait, wait, wait," diego pleaded, running behind him. "and where are you going?"

"why's that your concern?" parker questioned, raising his eyebrows. "well, if I recall, last night you literally hanging over the railing with a empty champagne bottle." diego explains.

Turning Out, Five Hargreeves. ( Complete )Where stories live. Discover now