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PARKER SAT IN THE KITCHEN, OR DINING ROOM with klaus and five, trying to keep his body somewhat comfortable in the umbrella uniform that even was wearing.

Parker was honestly dazed by the Hargreeves duo fighting during their own father's funeral, if he knew the Umbrella Academy was this fun, he'd definitely signed up.

But he doubt his mother would've gotten the chance to join with his mother's history and background. Who would even want date a woman with problem, gave birth to a child that had supernatural powers.

He never really gotten the chance to meet his father, never really got the chance to ask his mother about him before the turning event that had happened.

Parker frowned, flustering as his mind came across his something else. He extended his hands, thinking about his new abilities to telekinesis as Klaus strumming his guitar.

"Where's Vanya?" Allison asked, sitting her coat down on a chair.

"Oh, she's gone," Klaus claims.

"That's unfortunate." five chimes in.


"An entire square block. forty-two bedrooms, nineteen bathrooms, but no, not a single drop of coffee." Five continues, interrupting Allison statement.

"Good, you don't need to be drinking caffeine." Parker remarked, earning a smack on the back of his head.

"He knows Dad hated caffeine," Allison stated.

"Well, he hated children, too, and he had plenty of us." Klaus rebuttals.

"We're taking the car," Five says, tapping Parker's shoulder.

"Where are you going?" Klaus asked Five, sitting the guitar down beside him.

"To get a decent cup of coffee." Five answered.

"Do you even know how to drive?" Allison asks.

"I know how to do everything." Five clarified, annoyance laced in his voice. He gripped Parker's hand and teleporting them outside by an car.

"I hate you," Parker groaned, shaking his head as his ears started ringing ears. "You know I hate when you do that!"

He slid into the passenger, leaning back as Five started the engine and pulled off.

"How did you do that?" Five asked, breaking the silence.

Parker shrugged, "I don't know... that was the first time it actually worked."

"Maybe it connected to something... or someone." Five believed, glancing over at Prkee for a few second. "What was you thinking about, Olly?"

"I don't know." Parker denied.

Five nods, "Okay."

Parker looked out the window, fiddling with thumbs. Five parked the car, walking behind Parker into the Griddy's Doughnut Shop. They sat inside the shop having a conversation about how Five's horribly messed up the equation & eighty-five percent of the plan because of it.

"Uh, give me a chocolate éclair." The man ordered.

"Mm-hmm. sure. can I get the kids a glass of milk or something?" She question, deeply offending Parker and Five.

Parker scoffed.

"The kid wants coffee, black." Five ordered.

"Oh, Can I have a gazed doughnut?" Parker ordered.

Turning Out, Five Hargreeves. ( Complete )Where stories live. Discover now