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"y'all know, jell-o used to be a delicacy. y'know, in order to make it, you gotta boil down a whole mess of hooves... you know, horses, cows, pigs, it doesn't matter. But not everybody has a mess of hooves just lying around."

parker raised his eyebrows, "what the fuck..." he muttered.

"It wasn't until, uh... a couple of sassy new yorkers figured out how to dry it out so that the rest of us could have a... a chance to enjoy this ambrosia." elliot continued.

"If we have some, will you shut up?" diego spoke, turning his attention to elliot.

"maybe." he nodded, scooping the jell-o into the glass cups. parker swallowed and gasped loudly, "yeah, I couldn't even eat a cock-roach, i won't be eating that..."

"how you feeling?" luther asked a weary vanya.

"pretty shitty, to be honest." vanya replied in exhaustion. parker's eyes trailed over to diego who was flipping his dagger in the midair.

"where would you say you are on a scale from one to... ending all life on this planet?" diego questioned.


parker rolled his eyes, "vanya is not the entire blame for ending the world..."

"diego..." luther leaned forward, "put the knife away, you idiot. she's fine."

"the last time i saw this one, she had me suspended midair, sucking the life out of me with energy tentacles." diego reminded them.

"yeah, but that's only because you guys locked her up in a cage, like a animal," parker muttered.

"I think I'm allowed a little time to process." diego continued, pointing his dagger toward luther.

"oh, I would love to see an energy tentacle."

"I don't remember what I did, but I'm sorry..."

parker smiled at vanya being so apologetic toward this situation, because knowing parker, he'd probably fought him for threatening him.

"if... if that means anything." vanya added.

"It does." diego sighed. "just going through a lot right now. there's this... girl that I like. I thought she liked me, but turns out that she's..."

"oh, thank god." luther pleaded, standing up from his position, parker was to busy watching diego expression. he felt bad that he was trying to open up, only to be interrupted.

"we could talk about it, later?" parker tried.

diego nodded.

diego and parker walked toward the railing, seeing the other three family member, five, klaus, and allison.

"I know this is impossible, but... did we all get sexier?" klaus complimented, taking his sun- glasses off.

parker gripped onto the railing, interlocking his eyes with five before he smiled slowly. his wishes had came true, he finally gotten to see five hargreeves.

"vanya." allison called out, stargazed.

"I can't believe I have a sister." vanya smiles.

"five!" parker exclaimed, teleporting directly before him before hugging him tightly. "I thought I lost you forever,"

"doubt." five grunts, hugging parker back tightly. parker pulled away, grabbing the side of five's face before he smashed his lips against them deeply.

they pulled away slowly, but eager. "I love you,"

Turning Out, Five Hargreeves. ( Complete )Where stories live. Discover now