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PARKER STARES AT HIS REFLECTION IN THE MIRROR, feeling regret and resent from last night's battle with Cha-Cha and Hazel, and the fight between him and Five. He didn't even think he gotten enough sleep because of it.

The two had never had quite fight that was ever that tense before. Parker didn't think a little battle could cause so much friction between him and Five.

He didn't know whether or not to try defuse the situation, apologize for his behavior.

Honestly, he didn't think he was even in the wrong for trying to be good person and distract two assassins from shooting him.

Five's words cut him deeply, something that many people wouldn't even be able to do because of the wall he built.

The warm water hit his skin, sending chills throughout his body as he rubbed his hands over his body, scrubbing all the filth and itchy feeling that he could sense.

The water surrounded his foot, slowing making him feel invited before watching it slowly tainted itself in blood, making him shoot up from the ground and look in the isolated building. "Hello! Anyone here?" He asked.

Alec dragged his feet through the water, holding onto the wall for balance with the fear he would fall with the pressure the water was against his feet. He looked around, ears ringing from the fire alarms.

Parker's quickly sat up, gasping as if someone had just viciously attacked him in his sleep once again. He looked over, seeing older Five ( played by avan Jogia. ) sitting in his chair beside Parker's ( played by chris wood ) bed while reading. "Another nightmare?"

Parker nodded. "Yeah... I think. It was a human... eyes changing and everything."

"Parks, honestly, we need to find out what this mean. What if this a warning or a sign?" Five asked him.

Parker shook his head, hugging his legs to his chest. "Or a painful memory I can't or don't want to remember."

"How do we know?" Five replied. "This could be serious."

"It can't be, I know it's not."

"How though?" Five asked, placing his book down onto Parker's nightstand before climbing into his bed. "I've been literally studying you for weeks now, and I can't think of anything else that could be wrong."

"I think I'm losing it." Parker responded, hugging his leg even tighter against his chest as his pressed his chest on kneecap.

"You're not," Five sighed. "Stop assuming the worst."

Five looks over at Parker, seeing that he needed reassurance, a friend. He scoot closer to Parker, snaking his arm around Alec's neck and engulfed into a comforting hug.

"Hi, Klaus!" Parker waved, seeing the lanky figure throwing items out of the dumpster. "I really hope you're digging for coins or drugs to score."

"You fancy me, did you really assume that I's be digging through a dumpster for drugs." Klaus replied. "Do I really look that desperate?" He asked.

Parker laughed, "Never, I was just really hoping that you wasn't doing that."

"I'm not," Klaus assures, taking notices of Parker's appearance. "You clean up well. Got a hot date tonight?"

"Nope, I wish," Parker joked. "I wanted to thank you for letting me sleep in your bed... I hope I didn't cause any trouble."

Turning Out, Five Hargreeves. ( Complete )Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum