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make sure president jfk's assassination goes as planned but Five had other plans for this particular mission.

Parker twirled the handgun around index finger as his eyes surveyed his partner loaded his sniper, positioning himself to shoot the target while standing on a crate.

Parker blinked beside Five, impatiently waiting for this mission to be done and over with so he could hops under his blanket with his stuffed animals while drinking cold glass of orange juice with cookies.

His thought was interrupted by loud groans, he quickly turned his head to sees Five squeezing his sweaty hands tightly together while trying to form some type of glowing ball orbit in the middle of the parking lot.

"Five! What the hell are you doing?" Parker questioned loudly, staying where he was standing which was by the gate while the blue orbit formed.

"Ever been in past before?" Five asked, glancing over at the frighten boy.

Parker shook his head, keeping his eyes on the blue glowing orbit in the center of the parking lot.

"Well, there's a first time for everything! I have to go back ASAP!"

"How are you even sure this is safe?"

"I don't! But we will never know until we as least try it." Five says, shrugging lightly. "I can go alone and leave you stuck in this timeline or you could trying to act all smart and join me to save the world."

Parker sighed, flicking him off as he seen that they was suspended midair in the middle of the a family's backyard.

"What is it?" Vanya asks as they all stood outside looking at the glowing orbit.

"Don't get too close," Allison warned.

"Yeah, no shit," Diego replies as his eyes watch the thing closely.

"Look like some sort of temporal anomaly," Luther guessed. "Either that or a miniature black hole, one of the two,"

"Pretty big difference there, paul bunyan," Diego says, rolling his eyes at him.

"Out of the way!" Klaus warned, Racing outside with a fire extinguisher.

"What're you-" Luther tried pleading.

Five and Parker shared an unamused look when an fire extinguisher was thrown through the Portal, eventually giving them the okay that it seems safe to travel through the orbit.

"What was that gonna do?" Allison asks.

"I don't know, do you have a better idea?" Klaus asks.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Luther exclaimed as the portal looked as if was going to explode.

"Everyone get behind me," Luther instructed, grabbing Klaus and tugging him behind himself while keeping a tight grip to Allison's hand.

"Yeah, get behind us," Diego chimes in, pushing Vanya to behind him.

"I vote for running, c'mon!" Klaus commented.

Five looks over at Parker, groaning. "This is your now or never moment!"

"Fine!" Parker groaned before he leaped into the portal, followed by Five. They wasn't aware the changes their body was going from their older self into their younger self, sixteen.

Parker landed on his foot and hands, crouched down as he glanced over at Five who had fallen on his back dues to almost running out of time.

Parker chuckled as he stood up while realizing that he was half younger than his future self.

"Does anyone else see little number Five and his little friend?" Klaus questioned, speaking almost everyone thought.

Five and Parker glanced at each other before examining themselves.

"Shit," they cussed.

re - edited.

Turning Out, Five Hargreeves. ( Complete )Where stories live. Discover now