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parker exhale deeply as he followed diego into the mysterious building that they were invited to dine. the noticed the elevator closing as diego grabbed it before it closed, "wait up."

"parker?" five called out, before parker hugged him tightly. "what? i think it's time I meet the rest of this family, don't you think?" parker smirked before allison approached.

allison seem just as shocked with who was also invited to the meeting, just as klaus also appeared. "hey, everyone." he greeted.

"excuse me," luther said, making parker move closer to five, "good. we're all here." luther continued.


parker heard luther grunts softly, before he release silently yet deadly fart.

allison and parker sniffed.




"oh, my god."

"ew, disgusting..."

"sorry, i'm nervous." luther apologized before the elevator finally opened and everyone ushered out of the elevator.

"nasty. i'm choking!" five claimed, before he pulled parker into a deep kiss, "ahh, now that's better." he smiled before the two walked to the table.

"all right, when dad gets here, i'll do the talking, okay?" five warned his siblings.

"got a few questions for him myself." diego respond with no hesitation.

"hey, we don't wanna scare him off. he might be able to help us stop doomsday, get us home." five tried reasoning with them.

"oh, my god. you and this doomsday, can't we just kill your father?" parker asked, seeing the harden glare that he was receiving, "what? it's long overdue, pal." he smirked at parker before he pecks five's cheek.

"no, lovebirds. we need to figure out why he's planning to kill the president." diego declared.

"no! this is a matter of life and death, you imbeciles." five snapped. parker raised his eyebrows in shock, "oh, a imbecile? that's very touché." parker mumbled before he walked over to bar, grabbing a drink.

"okay, yeah, maybe we should take turns talking. yeah?" vanya distracted them from bickering farther, grabbing a object from the table, "here, whoever has got this conch shell
gets to talk." she suggested.

"vanya, we don't have time for a debate, okay?"

"and why's that? because just daddy's time?"

"not now, parker. we've bigger issues." five dismissed parker.

"maybe i should lead. we all know i'm a better public speaker than the rest." allison spoke, grabbing the conch shell from vanya.

"okay, daddy's girl."

"oh, jealous, number two?" allison taunted.

"hey, no more numbers. no more bullshit. we're team zero, we're all team zero. right, parker?" diego called the boy who was sipping his champagne from the cup.

"oh, yeah! team zero."

"uh, diego." luther called, "you don't have the conch." luther reminded. diego smirked before he grabbed the conch shell from allison and threw it across the room, shattering it.


wasn't long before reginald finally appeared from behind a closed door, taking a seat at the end of a table. "no only have you burglarized my lab, set my chimp loose, conned your way into the mexican consulate, repeatedly stalked and attacked me, but you have, on numerous occasions, called me..." reginald explained before watching klaus sit beside him.

Turning Out, Five Hargreeves. ( Complete )Where stories live. Discover now