You/Morgana Pendragon - Favor

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"UTHER PENDRAGON! Just the man I wanted to see!"

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"UTHER PENDRAGON! Just the man I wanted to see!"

Everyone's attention is on you as you slammed the doors opened and walked in as if you were the Queen herself. Uther is in a panic when he sees you again after almost 20 years. He didn't believe a single thing that you had told him when you helped with the birth of Arthur. Uther believed you were just another with.

"L..Lucifer? What are you doing here? How are you here?"

"Is that anyway to greet an old friend, Uther? I traveled a long way to come visit."

"I..I'm sorry, please take a seat."

He motions for the servants to bring a chair over for you to sit besides him.

"I think this chair suits me far better. You don't mind, right?"

Uther turned pale at the look you were giving him. There was something off about you and he didn't like it. 20 years ago, he didn't care what it took to bring Arthur to this world and now he was regretting not listening to your warnings.

"You must be Arthur...and you? I had no clue that Uther had a daughter. Apologies for not introducing myself, I'm (y/n) but commonly use Lucifer Morningstar when I pop up on Earth."

Morgana had been enchanted by you. Everything about you was intriguing. Your accent, the way you dressed, most importantly the fact that way you were treating Uther. Uther would've killed anyone to dare act with such disrespect and yet he allowed it with you.

You/Katie McGrath and other imagines (fxf) Book 4Where stories live. Discover now